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Do you even lift?

Kamil Lelonek KamilLelonek

Do you even lift?
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import request from 'request-promise'; = async() => {
const bloggers = await global.db.models.Blogger.findAll({
where: {
instagramDemographics: {
$ne: null,

Foxbox N-Grams Code Challenge

This is a small programming problem to test your technical ability and coding style.


Write a simple script to generate a set of n-grams from a string of text. N-grams are a contiguous sequence of n words from a string of text, and have many applications from full-text search indexes to machine learning.

You'll generate a set of every permutation of contiguous n-grams from a string of text, from 1-gram to n-grams where n is the number of words in the string
