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Martin Habovštiak Kixunil

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Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am Kixunil on github.
  • I am kixunil ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 4ABF 7B25 5514 2E94 C3EE 87F4 7ED4 E0F0 9914 082B

To claim this, I am signing this object:

Kixunil /
Last active October 16, 2016 13:52

Systém decentralizovanej peer­-to-­peer súkromnej bezpečnosti.


Kixunil, Specter


Kixunil /
Last active June 12, 2022 19:09

System of decentralized peer-to-peer private security


Kixunil, Specter


Kixunil / bitcoin_multisig_payment_proto.mediawiki
Last active September 1, 2016 09:02
Bitcoin Multisig Payment Protocol

  BIP: ?
  Title: Multisig Payment Protocol
  Author: Martin Habovštiak <[email protected]>
  Status: Draft
  Type: ?
  Created: 2014-01-30


Kixunil /
Last active June 19, 2017 11:19
User coordination of soft fork activation

User coordination of soft fork activation


This document proposes a novel way to improve coordination of users who wish to activate a new soft fork in Bitcoin. The main idea is to use smart contracts to incentivize users to actually enforce the soft fork with lower risk of support being too low. At the same time the contract is in effect only if significant part of economy agrees to it. The contract also signals the intent to miners and other users in a way that would be otherwise expensive for sybil attackers. This proposal also suggests an interesting way to pay developers for the development of the soft fork code.


Kixunil /
Last active May 26, 2019 16:12
A protocol for efficient key signing party

Effiecient key signing party protocol

Disclaimer: this is a proof of concept, the protocol hasn't been reviewed yet! There might be undiscovered vulnerabilities!

However I tried hard to find any vulnerabilities and I don't know of any. I'm fairly confident the protocol is secure.


Kixunil /
Created April 9, 2020 13:12
Declaration of maintenance

If you're reading this, it may mean you think my project is dead/unmaintained. Please read this before you dismiss it.

The short version is: please make sure to ask about a change you'd like before proceeding. It's likely I will reply an cooperate. A lack of updates often means that the code does what's intended.

Long verssion

So you see that there are no commits to my project for some time and maybe think it's not maintained. It's not that easy. Particularly in case of Rust crates. The primary reason for my project lacking changes is that I don't need the changes

xprop -spy -root -notype _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | sed -ue 's/^.*# //' -e 's/,.*$//' | while read id; do focused_vm="`xprop -notype -id $id _QUBES_VMNAME 2>/dev/null | cut -d '"' -f 2`"; test "$focused_vm" = "_QUBES_VMNAME: not found." && focused_vm=dom0; test -n "$focused_vm" && echo "`date +%s` $focused_vm"; done
Kixunil / beta-gpg-key.asc
Created August 11, 2020 17:05
Declaration of ownership of GPG key
Hash: SHA1
I hereby declare that I'm the owner of GPG key with fingerprint
Which I use to sign beta-quality software.
This software should be mostly usable, but was not WIDELY tested.
It may contain bugs or even security vulnerabilities, as any other software.
Kixunil /
Created September 2, 2020 20:27
My review of the Taproot pull request by Pieter Wuille

My review of the Taproot PR by Pieter Wuille


I have reviewed the Taproot PR and decided to write some notes. This is a combination of notes that may be useful for other (less experienced) reviewers to understand the code and possibly helpful for a bit wider technical audience to understand how Taproot works in better details. It's definitely not intended for general public.
