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Krinkle / cost.js
Last active September 28, 2018 20:17
* > The rate is 0.66p per minute.
* > There is also a 40p connection charge.
* > Call charges are rounded up to the nearest 10p, with a minimum charge of 60p.
* @param {number} seconds
* @return {string} Cost in GBP
Krinkle / perfect-numbers.js
Last active March 18, 2019 23:16
Distribute exponential task sizes via Node.js cluster workers.
* Requires Node 6.0+
* Author: Timo Tijhof (2018).
* License: Public domain.
const cluster = require('cluster');
let pidLabel = cluster.isMaster ? 'master' : 'worker';
/*! Requires Node 12.5+ | License: Public domain. */
const cluster = require('cluster');
const WORK_TOTAL = 10_000_000;
const WORK_MILESTONE = 1_000_000;
const WORK_ASSIGN_CHUNK = 100_000;
const WORK_RESP_CHUNK = 1_000;
const ALGO = 'md5';
Krinkle / 01-parkers-number-of-feb2014.js
Created April 18, 2019 01:18
3435 – The sum of each digit raised to the power of itself.
const MAX = 100 * 1000 * 1000; // 100 million
function powself(number) {
if (number === 0) {
return NaN; // matt does not like zero.
} else {
return Math.pow(number, number);
Krinkle / crypto-aes-gcm.js
Last active March 3, 2023 04:14 — forked from chrisveness/crypto-aes-gcm.js
AES-GCM text encryption using Web APIs
* Encrypts plaintext using AES-GCM with supplied password, for decryption with aesGcmDecrypt().
* (c) Chris Veness MIT Licence
* @param {String} plaintext - Plaintext to be encrypted.
* @param {String} password - Password to use to encrypt plaintext.
* @returns {String} Encrypted ciphertext.
* @example
* const ciphertext = await aesGcmEncrypt('my secret text', 'pw');
* Unique sets in JavaScript
* Inspired by[email protected]/109354031141521705
* Author: Timo Tijhof (2022).
* License: Public domain.
const NAMES = [
# Convert an Apple iTunes Music Library.xml file into a set of .m3u playlists.
# Copyright 2023 Timo Tijhof <>
# Copyright 2006 Mark Huang <[email protected]>
# SPDX-License-Identifier:: GPL-2.0 <>
# Changelog:
Krinkle / Split Tabs to New Window.scpt
Created December 8, 2023 07:02 — forked from gruber/Split Tabs to New Window.scpt
An AppleScript for Safari to move all tabs in the frontmost window, from the current tab to the rightmost (last) tab, to a new window.
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions
-- Original script: John Gruber (
-- Much more elegant version: Leon Cowle (
tell application "Safari"
`tab` properties:
Krinkle / CSVtoJSon.js
Last active February 29, 2024 06:45 — forked from codepo8/CSVtoJSon.js
OK, here is my function to turn CSV into JSON - what's yours?
const csvToJSON = (csv) => {
const getcsvdata = (csv) => {
const csvRegex = /,(?=(?:(?:[^"]*"){2})*[^"]*$)/;
const trimQuotes = /^"|"$/g;
csv = csv.split(csvRegex).map(
h => h.trim().replace(trimQuotes, '')
return csv;
let lines = csv.split('\n');
Krinkle / rl-startup-diff.php
Created April 4, 2024 00:50
MediaWiki ResourceLoader startup diff
$startupUrls = [
'enwiki-canonical' => '',
'enwiki-mobile' => '',
define( 'STARTUPREG_JSON_START', 'mw.loader.register([' );
define( 'STARTUPREG_JSON_START_OFFSET', 'mw.loader.register(' );
define( 'STARTUPREG_JSON_END', ']);' );