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Liang-Ting Chen L-TChen

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AndrasKovacs /
Last active November 28, 2024 01:17
Higher induction-induction-recursion

Inductive-Recursive Types, Generally

I write about inductive-recursive types here. "Generally" means "higher inductive-inductive-recursive" or "quotient inductive-inductive-recursive". This may sound quite gnarly, but fortunately the specification of signatures can be given with just a few type formers in an appropriate framework.

In particular, we'll have a theory of signatures which includes Mike Shulman's higher IR example.

leoapost / gist:4318441
Created December 17, 2012 13:55
Delete all remote branches, except master
# Replace REMOTE_NAME with your remote name (e.g. origin)
git branch -r | grep REMOTE_NAME/ | grep -v 'master$' | grep -v HEAD| cut -d/ -f2 | while read line; do git push REMOTE_NAME :$line; done;