A tutorial for the UPL Video Lecture Series
by Leo Rudberg
All of the commands below are prefixed by git
and are run inside your (Unix-like) terminal (bash, zsh, etc.).
# implemented for all real rational numbers | |
class Float | |
# determine if a real rational number is zero | |
# we know a number is zero if one cannot divide another by it | |
def _is_zero_? | |
begin | |
# need to check for any non-zero number | |
# we might as well put pi in the cache | |
x = Math::PI.ceil |
/* | |
I used this tutorial below to get some nice looking bars to start out with: | |
http://css-tricks.com/html5-progress-element | |
Some page-specific code has been redacted, only the meat remains | |
Don't blame me if this doesn't compile! This meant for education! | |
*/ | |
const IS_WEBKIT = 'WebkitAppearance' in document.documentElement.style; | |
const RGB_STR_REGEX = /^rgb\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)\)$/; |
# A while back, Major League Hacking (mlh.io) wanted to make a video | |
# similar to the "I Believe That We Will Win" videos. | |
# In the video, hackers will say the line, showing off our passion and diversity. | |
# Being a hacker first, an a normal human second, I took the request as a challenge. | |
# When I remembered that `say` was a thing in Terminal, I knew what I had to do... | |
# In this gist (and hopefully a video), I'll explain what my one liner means. | |
# Hopefully, you'll learn some awesome Ruby tricks along the way. | |
# If you are new to Ruby, http://feministy.github.io/ruby_basics/#/ is a great start. | |
# Here's my one-liner: |
All of the commands below are prefixed by git
and are run inside your (Unix-like) terminal (bash, zsh, etc.).
-- the middle integer item from a list | |
middle :: [Integer] -> Integer | |
middle list = list !! (fromIntegral midInd) | |
where midInd = length list `div` 2 | |
-- the median of three integer values | |
-- thanks to Tony Jiang from HH Coding for the improved algo! | |
qMed3 :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer | |
qMed3 a b c = min firstMax (max firstMin c) | |
where firstMax = max a b |
import Data.List (nub, unfoldr) | |
-- FIXME | |
primeItr :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool | |
primeItr n i | |
| (i * i) > n = True | |
| otherwise = if (n `mod` i) == 0 | |
then False | |
else primeItr n (i + 1) | |
isPrime :: Integer -> Bool | |
isPrime n = primeItr n 2 -- 2-7 primes do not count (n > 10) |
import java.awt.Color; | |
import java.awt.Graphics; | |
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; | |
import java.io.*; | |
import javax.imageio.ImageIO; | |
import java.lang.Math; | |
import java.lang.Number; | |
public class Grid | |
{ |
import qualified Data.Set as Set | |
phi :: Set.Set a | |
phi = Set.empty | |
pset :: (Ord a) => Set.Set a -> Set.Set (Set.Set a) | |
pset set = if (Set.null set) | |
then Set.singleton phi | |
else | |
let head = Set.elemAt 0 set |
First, let's make sure that you have ghc
and ghci
$ ghc --version && ghci
# ghci should boot up...