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restart raspberry pi
1. Download flutter zip
2. Extract and set flutter bin path on PATH env varible
3. Download java jdk zip
4. Extract and set new env variable JAVA_HOME for jdk folder (not the bin)
5. Download android sdk commandline tools zip
6. Extract
7. Move all files from /cmdline-tools to /cmdline-tools/latest
7. Check the latest Android API version here:
8. On CMD, go to cmdline-tools/latest/bin folder
9. run: sdkmanager "platforms;android-[android api version you wish, for exemple 35]"
Lecarvalho /
Created February 26, 2024 08:04
When mv is not possible because of large quantity of files, this command helps
echo !(*.jpg|*.png|*.bmp) | xargs mv -t ../
Lecarvalho /
Created January 20, 2023 13:43
git push.autoSetupRemote
git config --global --add --bool push.autoSetupRemote true
Lecarvalho / gist:59157ec170d268cf2dddd38a5c51115f
Created April 8, 2022 20:35
azure devops create pull request via command line
az repos pr create --title "PULL REQUEST TITLE" --target-branch master --open
Lecarvalho / git-commands-to-show-diffs-on-pr.
Last active January 19, 2022 14:35
if the changes are not shown on the pull request (file is too large)
git checkout BRANCH-TO-MERGE
git pull
git checkout PR-BRANCH-NAME
git diff BRANCH-TO-MERGE (often main/master/develop)
Lecarvalho /
Created August 20, 2021 21:11
Replace variable on file via bash
sed -i "s/value-to-replace-on-file/new-value/" file.txt
Lecarvalho /
Last active August 20, 2021 21:12
Create ssh key
  1. Generate the public and the private keys on local machine (give a name if you need)
  1. Copy the content for .pub file

  2. Create a file under $USER/.ssh/authorized_keys on the server if it does not exists yet

  3. Paste the content of the .pub file on the authorized_keys file, save and close the file

# telegraf troubleshoot initialize
/usr/bin/telegraf --config /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf --config-directory /etc/telegraf/telegraf.d