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ChuckM /
Last active June 7, 2021 18:21
On my departure (fictional)

Dear non-executive team members,

All of my options have vested, and I haven’t been offered any new ones so my earning potential here is no longer all that great. Worse, as we’ve operated and developed better understandings of the problems we face it seems less likely than ever that we’ll achieve the vision we set out to achieve. Finally, the blackout periods are having a real negative effect on my ability to diversify my wealth and avoid the high risk of this company’s success chances. Therefore I’m leaving on a “high note” while we can still plausibly call this endeavor a success, and after I’ve left will convert all my equity in this venture into other forms of wealth while not having to report it

Rank Type Prefix/Suffix Length
1 Prefix my+ 2
2 Suffix +online 6
3 Prefix the+ 3
4 Suffix +web 3
5 Suffix +media 5
6 Prefix web+ 3
7 Suffix +world 5
8 Suffix +net 3
9 Prefix go+ 2
ksopyla /
Last active September 28, 2024 13:09
A curated list of Polish abbreviations for NLTK sentence tokenizer based on Wikipedia text
import nltk
# interactive download
extra_abbreviations = [
MattPD /
Last active March 14, 2025 02:20
Program Analysis Resources (WIP draft)

Building Emacspeak: Making GNU Emacs Accessible

In 2015, I started diving deeper into GNU Emacs because I saw its potential as an assistive technology. Not only as a way of providing better access to books and code for my students and clients, many of whom are blind, but also as a tool for creating more accessible content. Regular expressions and modes like Org, Markdown, and AucTex are extremely useful in the production of alternate formats.

Although I had used Emacs as a vanilla text editor off and on since the 90's, I didn't learn anything about the underlying Emacs Lisp (elisp) programming language until the end of 2015, when I got a hardcopy Emacs manual, quit my day job, and grew t

rxwei /
Last active December 6, 2024 16:54
First-Class Automatic Differentiation in Swift: A Manifesto

Time Travel Debugging

Time Travel refers to the ability to record a tab and later replay it ([WebReplay][wrr]). The technology is useful for local development, where you might want to:

  • pause and step forwards or backwards
  • pause and rewind to a prior state
  • rewind to the time a console message was logged
  • rewind to the time an element had a certain style or layout
  • rewind to the time a network asset loaded
antirez / lmdb.tcl
Created April 28, 2017 15:40
LMDB -- First version of Redis written in Tcl
# Copyriht (C) 2009 Salvatore Sanfilippo <[email protected]>
# All Rights Reserved
# - cron with cleanup of timedout clients, automatic dump
# - the dump should use array startsearch to write it line by line
# and may just use gets to read element by element and load the whole state.
# - 'help','stopserver','saveandstopserver','save','load','reset','keys' commands.
# - ttl with milliseconds resolution 'ttl a 1000'. Check ttl in dump!
lukechilds /
Created April 11, 2017 06:09
JavaScript performance testing accurate to 5 microseconds in 59 bytes

Performance testing accurate to 5 microseconds in 57 bytes

Test JavaScript methods against each other accurate to 5 microseconds (five thousandths of a millisecond).


time = fn=>{let t=()=>,s=t();fn();return t()-s}
time(() => document.querySelectorAll('span'))
// 0.18499999959021807
hediet /
Last active March 4, 2025 18:49
Proof that TypeScript's Type System is Turing Complete
type StringBool = "true"|"false";

interface AnyNumber { prev?: any, isZero: StringBool };
interface PositiveNumber { prev: any, isZero: "false" };

type IsZero<TNumber extends AnyNumber> = TNumber["isZero"];
type Next<TNumber extends AnyNumber> = { prev: TNumber, isZero: "false" };
type Prev<TNumber extends PositiveNumber> = TNumber["prev"];