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Maisa MaisaMilena

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Aerijo /
Last active February 8, 2025 02:42
Guide to writing an Atom language grammar

A guide to writing a language grammar (TextMate) in Atom

Tree sitter

  • Atom is transitioning to an entirely new way of defining grammars using tree-sitter. This will be enabled by default quite soon now. It is theoretically faster and more powerful than regex based grammars (the one described in this guide), but requires a steeper learning curve. My understanding is that regex based grammars will still be supported however (at least until version 2), so this guide can still be useful. To enable it yourself, go to Settings -> Core and check Use Tree Sitter Parsers

Links for tree-sitter help:

VictorTaelin /
Created April 22, 2020 18:53
Formality to Formality-Core Cheat Sheet

Criando funções

// Formality:

T V3
| v3(x: Number, y: Number, z: Number) 

add_v3(a: V3, b: V3) : V3