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Maisa MaisaMilena

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def isTeenager: [x]
  if x then: 1 else: 0
def isAdult: [x]
  if x then: 1 else: 0

def getCategory: [x]
  if (isTeenager x) 

then: "boring teenager"

module Dependently-Typed-Programming-in-Agda where
open import Nat
open import Vector
open import List
{- Studying the book Dependently Typed Programming in Agda by Ulf Norell and James Chapman -}
-- A vector containing n copies of an element x
vec : {n : Nat} {A : Set} -> A -> Vector A n
MaisaMilena / Parity.agda
Created April 5, 2019 13:56
Working with data Parity - Agda
module Parity where
-- Using Human lib
open import Nat
open import Vector
open import List
-- A vector containing n copies of an element x
vec : {n : Nat} {A : Set} -> A -> Vector A n
vec {zero} x = end
MaisaMilena /
Last active March 20, 2019 23:09
Annotations about EVM

The EVM is a stack machine. Instructions might use values on the stack as arguments, and push values onto the stack as results. Let’s consider the operation add.

Elements on the stack are 32-byte words, and all keys and values in storage are 32 bytes. There are over 100 opcodes, divided into categories delineated in multiples of 16.

The EVM is a security oriented virtual machine, designed to permit untrusted code to be executed by a global network of computers.

To do so securely, it imposes the following restrictions:

  • Every computational step taken in a program's execution must be paid for up front, thereby preventing Denial-of-Service attacks.
  • Programs may only interact with each other by transmitting a single arbitrary-length byte array; they do not have access to each other's state.
MaisaMilena /
Created March 20, 2019 23:01
Annotations about Agda

Agda is a dependently typed functional programming. Dependent type is a type whose definition depends on a value. A "pair of integers" is a type. A "pair of integers where the second is greater than the first" is a dependent type because of the dependence on the value.

  • A dependent function's return type may depend on the value (not just type) of an argument. A function that takes a positive integer "n" may return an array of length "n".

  • A dependent pair may have a second value that depends on the first. It can be used to encode a pair of integers where the second one is greater than the first.

    A definition is a syntactic construction defining an entity such as a function or a datatype.

    f : (x : A) → B is a dependently typed function, i.e. x can occur in B.

When B does not depend on x we write f : A → B

-- 1
-- 10
-- 11
-- 100
-- 101
-- 110
-- 111
-- 1000
-- 1001
-- 1010
MaisaMilena / gist:404d55d0af57e2814fa9c7a2f1aacfdd
Created January 8, 2019 18:06
Converting Python 2.6 to JS
class Context:
def __init__(self, list = []):
self.list = list
def shift(self, depth, inc):
new_list = []
for binder in self.list:
if binder is None: