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The following tasks need to be done to finish the i18n component:
To finish translator:
- Add Xliff translation loader with plural support if possible, see:
- Add Tmx translation loader (identify if plural support is available)
- Complete unit tests
Maks3w / hotfix.bat
Created September 18, 2012 19:25 — forked from weierophinney/zf2-workflow.txt
proposed workflow
REM Use hotfix.bat <PR Number> <BRANCH name without hotfix preffix>
set PR=%1
set BRANCH=hotfix/%2
call git checkout master
call git pull upstream master
call git checkout -b %BRANCH% master
call git pull upstream refs/pull/%PR%/head
echo "Review the PR and fix it if needed"

Both things have been introduced recently, and let you access even private ec2 instances

  1. Without VPN
  2. No open SSH port
  3. Authentication / Authorization is fully delegated to IAM
# Assumes valid AWS Credentials in ENV