My personal style guide for the D programming language. This document outlines best practices that I have found to help with D source code readability and cleanliness.
Take a moment to think about what you spend the most time doing when you are writing a program. Is it typing? Certainly not. Is it looking through documentation? Arguably. Is it reading the mess you've written and trying to understand it? Most of the time.
Code readability is very important. If no one (including you!) can read your code, you've done somthing wrong. The vast majority of our time as programmers is spent reading and understanding either our code or someone else's. The majority of this document focuses on code quality as code readability. The rules defined here are designed to make your code easier to read and easier to follow.
One thing this document does not claim to do is to make code easier to write. In fact, it does quite the opposite. Making code easy to read is inherently making it har