/* * Implement a Polygon class with the following properties: * 1. A constructor that takes an array of integer side lengths. * 2. A 'perimeter' method that returns the sum of the Polygon's side lengths. */ class Polygon{ constructor(polygonSideLengths){ this.polygonSideLengths = polygonSideLengths } perimeter(){ return this.polygonSideLengths.reduce((acc, item)=>acc+=item) } } const rectangle = new Polygon([10, 20, 10, 20]); const square = new Polygon([10, 10, 10, 10]); const pentagon = new Polygon([10, 20, 30, 40, 43]); console.log(rectangle.perimeter()); console.log(square.perimeter()); console.log(pentagon.perimeter());