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╰( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)つ──☆*:・゚ Hacking 👨‍💻

Pratyay Banerjee Neilblaze

╰( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)つ──☆*:・゚ Hacking 👨‍💻
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Neilblaze /
Last active August 28, 2023 10:50
GSoC'23 — FINAL REPORT (Interactive Web Demo / MediaPipe) → Pratyay Banerjee 👨‍💻
Neilblaze / 📊 Weekly development breakdown
Last active July 8, 2023 12:19
📊 Weekly development breakdown
Python 14 hrs 2 mins ██████████▎░░░░░░░░░░ 45.8%
JavaScript 10 hrs 4 mins ██████▊░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 37.1%
Other 2 hrs 7 mins █▊░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 9.6%
JSON 56 mins ▉░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 4.8%
Bash 37 mins ▍░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 2.7%
Neilblaze /
Created April 18, 2023 19:27 — forked from tykurtz/
Grokking the coding interview equivalent leetcode problems


I liked the way Grokking the coding interview organized problems into learnable patterns. However, the course is expensive and the majority of the time the problems are copy-pasted from leetcode. As the explanations on leetcode are usually just as good, the course really boils down to being a glorified curated list of leetcode problems.

So below I made a list of leetcode problems that are as close to grokking problems as possible.

Pattern: Sliding Window

Neilblaze /
Created August 2, 2021 16:05 — forked from claus/
Host Your Site Under Your Domain on IPFS

Host Your Site Under Your Domain on IPFS

This is a step-by-step tutorial for hosting your website under your domain on IPFS, from zero, on a DigitalOcean Ubuntu 16.04.3 x64 Droplet (i am using the $10 variant with 2GB RAM).

Install IPFS

Log in as root.

First, make sure the system is up to date, and install tar and wget:

Neilblaze / CPP_Template.cpp
Last active February 16, 2025 03:21
CP Template — C++ </>
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
/* clang-format off */
/* TYPES */
#define ll long long
#define pii pair<int, int>
#define pll pair<long long, long long>
#define vi vector<int>
Neilblaze /
Created June 24, 2021 21:12 — forked from bradtraversy/
SSH & DevOps Crash Course Snippets

SSH Cheat Sheet

This sheet goes along with this SSH YouTube tutorial

Login via SSH with password (LOCAL SERVER)

$ ssh [email protected]

Create folder, file, install Apache (Just messing around)

$ mkdir test

$ cd test

Neilblaze /
Created June 24, 2021 21:12 — forked from bradtraversy/
Docker Commands, Help & Tips

Docker Commands, Help & Tips

Show commands & management commands

$ docker

Docker version info

MongoDB Cheat Sheet

Show All Databases

show dbs

Show Current Database

Neilblaze /
Created June 24, 2021 21:10 — forked from bradtraversy/
Node app deploy with nginx & SSL

Node.js Deployment

Steps to deploy a Node.js app to DigitalOcean using PM2, NGINX as a reverse proxy and an SSL from LetsEncrypt

1. Sign up for Digital Ocean

If you use the referal link below, you get $10 free (1 or 2 months)

2. Create a droplet and log in via ssh

I will be using the root user, but would suggest creating a new user

Neilblaze /
Created June 24, 2021 21:09 — forked from bradtraversy/
Scrapy commands and code