   This is a Microsoft Sysmon configuration to be used on Windows workstations
   v0.2.1 December 2016
   Florian Roth (with the help and ideas of others)
   The focus of this configuration is 
   - malware detection (execution)
   - malware detection (network connections)
   - exploit detection
   It is not focussed on 
   - hacking activity on workstation (bad admin, attacker)
   See Windows server base config: https://gist.github.com/Neo23x0/a4b4af9481e01e749409
<Sysmon schemaversion="3.20">
    <!-- Capture MD5 Hashes -->
      <!-- Log all drivers except if the signature -->
      <!-- contains Microsoft or Windows -->
      <DriverLoad onmatch="exclude">
          <Signature condition="contains">microsoft</Signature>
          <Signature condition="contains">windows</Signature>
      <!-- Exclude certain processes that have the integrity level 'System' -->
      <ProcessCreate onmatch="exclude">
      <!-- Do log remote thread creation events with certain exceptions -->
      <CreateRemoteThread onmatch="exclude">
         <SourceImage condition="contains">WmiPrvSE.exe</SourceImage>
         <SourceImage condition="contains">FireSvc.exe</SourceImage>
      <!-- Do not log file creation time stamps -->
      <FileCreateTime onmatch="include" />
      <!-- Do not log raw disk access (caused event flooding with certain disk encryption drivers) -->
      <RawAccessRead onmatch="include" />
      <!-- Do not log process termination -->
      <ProcessTerminate onmatch="include" />
      <!-- Do log registry events to certain keys only (Autostart, Services, Debuggers) -->
      <RegistryEvent onmatch="include">
         <TargetObject condition="contains">Windows\CurrentVersion\Run</TargetObject>
         <TargetObject condition="contains">Windows\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options</TargetObject>
         <TargetObject condition="contains">CurrentControlSet\Services</TargetObject>
         <TargetObject condition="contains">Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon</TargetObject>
         <TargetObject condition="contains">Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer</TargetObject>
         <TargetObject condition="contains">Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce</TargetObject>
         <TargetObject condition="contains">System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\parameters</TargetObject>
      <!-- Do not log file creation events -->
      <FileCreate onmatch="include" />
      <!-- Do not log if file stream is created -->
      <FileCreateStreamHash onmatch="include" />
      <!-- Do only log network connections to port 8080 (proxy) of every program that is not a browser -->
      <NetworkConnect onmatch="exclude">
          <Image condition="contains">chrome.exe</Image>
          <Image condition="contains">iexplore.exe</Image> <!-- yes, malware that injects into IE will be missed -->
          <Image condition="contains">firefox.exe</Image>
          <DestinationPort condition="is not">8080</DestinationPort>
          <!-- Direct access to Internet (without proxy server) -->
          <DestinationPort condition="is not">80</DestinationPort>