I hereby claim:
- I am nillth on github.
- I am nillth (https://keybase.io/nillth) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASC_qHF3k70HPR6dfOX7-7hPEioGn3wDAph-2t9ptdYzCwo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
This Gist confirms the Linked Identity in my OpenPGP key, and links it to this GitHub account. | |
Token for proof: | |
[Verifying my OpenPGP key: openpgp4fpr:55121f4d98b4470e21c55b151f59c24877931671] |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
function join($path) | |
{ | |
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path "$path.*.part" | Sort-Object -Property @{Expression={ | |
$shortName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($_.Name) | |
$extension = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($shortName) | |
if ($extension -ne $null -and $extension -ne '') | |
{ | |
$extension = $extension.Substring(1) | |
} | |
[System.Convert]::ToInt32($extension) |
<# | |
.NOTES | |
=========================================================================== | |
Created on: 2020-10-31 1:44 AM | |
Created by: Marc Collins ([email protected]) | |
Organization: Qlik Professional Services | |
Filename: QlikSense-Copy-DataConnections.ps1 | |
=========================================================================== | |
Copy Data Connections from one environment to another. |
<# | |
.NOTES | |
=========================================================================== | |
Created on: 2020-10-31 12:55 PM | |
Created by: Marc Collins ([email protected]) | |
Organization: Qlik Professional Services | |
Filename: QlikSense-Toggle-ReloadTasks.ps1 | |
=========================================================================== | |
Allow users to select a number of tasks to enable/disable |
<# | |
.NOTES | |
=========================================================================== | |
Created by: Marc Collins ([email protected]) | |
Organization: Qlik Professional Services | |
Filename: Convert-PemtoX509.ps1 | |
=========================================================================== | |
Converts PEM files to X509 Certificates | |
Can be used with QlikClient.pems |
$Modules = "Qlik-CLI" | |
foreach ($modulename in $Modules) { | |
$PSModule = Get-module -Name $modulename -ListAvailable | Sort-Object -property version | select -First 1 | |
$PSModuleData = Import-LocalizedData -BaseDirectory $PSModule.ModuleBase -FileName ([system.io.fileinfo]$PSModule.Path).name | |
$ResourceFiles = $PSModuleData.NestedModules + $PSModuleData.RootModule + $PSModuleData.ModuleToProcess | select -Unique | |
$ConsolidatedModules = foreach ($Module in $ResourceFiles) { | |
[system.io.fileinfo]$FilePath = Join-Path -Path $PSModule.ModuleBase -ChildPath $Module -Resolve | |
$FileContent = Get-Content $FilePath.FullName -Raw |
<# | |
.NOTES | |
=========================================================================== | |
Created on: 2020-11-14 | |
Updated on: 2022-06-14 | |
Created by: Marc Collins | |
Organization: Qlik Professional Services | |
Filename: JWTToken.ps1 | |
=========================================================================== | |
#> |
$FilterReq = @{ | |
"page" = 1 | |
"count" = -1 | |
"filter"= @{} | |
"sorting" =@{"name"="asc"} | |
"group"=@{} | |
"orderBy"="+name" | |
} |
public class ContentObj | |
{ | |
public Guid id = Guid.NewGuid(); | |
public string content; | |
} |