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Let’s goooo drivingggg

Nino NinoSkopac

Let’s goooo drivingggg
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NinoSkopac / gist:aebf2f25d83691558697702c6dbd73db
Created November 29, 2021 15:33
Message for Edina, DHL Hungary CEO
Dear Edina, please take a look at waybill 57 2285 3592.
A recap of what happened:
On Monday, November 22nd 2021 I created a shipment with DHL, scheduling to pick up a package from the Thai embassy in Budapest on Wednesday, November 24th 2021. Shipment destination was Lisbon, and it was due to be delivered next day. It’s an express envelope type containing my passport, needed for a (now abolished) flight on Sunday.
Wednesday came, and I was checking the tracking page, only to see nothing’s happening. I phoned the customer support that day and was told the package had been picked up and that the tracking page wasn’t in sync. Okay, I said.
Thursday arrived and still no change on the tracking page, therefore i called again. This time, I was told a mistake had been made and that my package hasn’t been picked up. Furthermore, the agent canceled my shipment (he was actually very helpful relative to the agent from the day before). I asked if it was possible to still have the shipment delivered by Sunday, whic
<div class="read2me-widget"
data-app-id="YOUR APP ID"
NinoSkopac / gist:e60d348688423faf3fdba79d9cf6e06d
Created September 6, 2018 14:35
open ports in a restaurant in Lviv
$ time nmap -p- | grep -i open
21/tcp open ftp
25/tcp open smtp
53/tcp open domain
80/tcp open http
110/tcp open pop3
143/tcp open imap
443/tcp open https
NinoSkopac / r2m-widget-integration-example.html
Created July 27, 2018 15:01
Read2Me Widget Integration: HTML chunk
<div class="read2me-widget"
data-title="Princeton University Auditorium To Be Named For Sir Arthur Lewis"
NinoSkopac / r2m-widget-integration-example.html
Created July 27, 2018 14:55
Read2Me Widget integration script
<script>(function(d, t, id) {
var s, r, div, c, js, h, sT, sI;
if (d.getElementById(id)) return;
div = d.createElement(t); = id;
d.body.insertBefore(div, d.body.firstChild);
s = '';
r = new XMLHttpRequest(); r.responseType = 'document';'GET', s, true);
r.onload = function(e) {
c ='style');
js ='script');
NinoSkopac / test.php
Created May 13, 2018 02:57
some weird ass PHP code
new class {
private $foo;
private $bar;
public function __construct()
$this->bar = function(int $id, array $elems) {
print $id;
NinoSkopac / AudioMeta.php
Created May 12, 2018 19:34
Get correct OGG Vorbis metadata using ffprobe (requires getID3 library)
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: ninoskopac
* Date: 10/05/2018
* Time: 07:01
namespace Read2Me\Synthesis;
NinoSkopac / poop.js
Created April 21, 2018 22:02
Track all audio events (aka debug)
"abort, canplay, HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA, readyState, canplaythrough, CAN_PLAY_THROUGH, currentTime, durationchange, emptied, load(), ended, error, interruptbegin, interruptend, loadeddata, loadedmetadata, loadstart, mozaudioavailable, pause, play, playing, progress, buffered, ratechange, seeked, seeking, stalled, suspend, timeupdate, volumechange, muted, waiting".split(', ').forEach( event => {
new Audio('PUT YOUR AUDIO SOURCE HERE').addEventListener(event, firedEvent => {
[22:35:36] 'build' errored after 1.93 ms
[22:35:36] TypeError: gulp.hasTask is not a function
at /Users/ninoskopac/PhpstormProjects/hosp_web/node_modules/run-sequence/index.js:17:22
at Array.forEach (native)
at verifyTaskSets (/Users/ninoskopac/PhpstormProjects/hosp_web/node_modules/run-sequence/index.js:11:11)
at runSequence (/Users/ninoskopac/PhpstormProjects/hosp_web/node_modules/run-sequence/index.js:70:2)
at /Users/ninoskopac/PhpstormProjects/hosp_web/gulpfile.js:108:5
at taskWrapper (/Users/ninoskopac/PhpstormProjects/hosp_web/node_modules/undertaker/lib/set-task.js:13:15)
at bound (domain.js:280:14)
at runBound (domain.js:293:12)
$q = rand();
<a href="/test2.php?q=<?php print $q; ?>">take me away</a>