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Oakchris1955 Oakchris1955

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Oakchris1955 /
Created March 15, 2025 15:17
Open letter to the main contributor and owner of pymadcad, jimy byerley, and to whomever it may concern

Dear Mr Jimy Byerley,

I am writing this open letter after having used the pymadcad library on a couple of personal and intrapersonal projects. My overall opinion on this library is pretty high, and I like that fact that pymadcad is not only simple to use, but also has a lot of features that allow it to be used for virtually any CAD application. However, the library doesn't come with its issues, which will be the focus of this letter.

First and foremost, I discovered that this library is pretty prone to be broken due to changes to the underlying dependencies. The first such instance I encountered was on November 2024, when due to changes in the NumPy library, alongside an erroneous version restriction for NumPy caused the library to break for some time until it was fixed after #120 was opened. I encountered a similar issue on February 2025, when I used pymadcad with Python 3.11.2 on a project which

Oakchris1955 / imageUrl.txt
Created April 9, 2023 15:29
Linux moment
Oakchris1955 /
Created December 18, 2022 13:58
Use an I2C-backpacked LCD on the Raspberry Pi with the wiringPi C library

To begin with, wiringPi is a C library mainly used to interface with the Raspberry Pi's GPIO. The library actually includes a LCD header (it is part of the wiringPi dev library, so you must include it as wiringPiDev). However, what wiringPi doesn't include is a LCD header for I2C-backmounted LCDs. Most of the time, the I2C backpack module is just a GPIO expander that communicates with the LCD in 4-bit mode (that is, it only uses 4 data pins instead of 8. While data are sent at half speed, they are still set so fast that you can't tell if an LCD operates in 4-bit or 8-bit mode). We are assuming your LCD can operate in 4-bit mode and that the schematic of your I2C backpack is similar to that of

  1. Firstly, check if the wiringPi library is already installed by typing:
gpio readall

to the terminal. If you get something like:

Unable to determine board type