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Forked from Jimmy-Xu/
Created January 6, 2021 03:09
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How to run go pprof on Docker daemon

#use pprof debug docker daemon

##Start docker daemon in debug mode(add -D)

$ /usr/bin/docker daemon -D -H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock

##Run socat to make docker sock available via tcp port (note the IP to listen at)

$ socat -d -d TCP-LISTEN:8080,fork,bind= UNIX:/var/run/docker.sock

##Run pprof on your client:

$ go tool pprof
Fetching profile from
Please wait... (30s)
Saved profile in /home/xjimmy/pprof/pprof.
Entering interactive mode (type "help" for commands)
(pprof) web     
(pprof) web ploop

##debug url entrypoint

show global vars

$ curl -s 
    "cmdline": [
    "memstats": {
      "Alloc": 7140904,
      "TotalAlloc": 20379824,
      "Sys": 14559480,
      "Lookups": 3090,
      "Mallocs": 313164,
      "Frees": 199260,
      "HeapAlloc": 7140904,
      "HeapSys": 11124736,
      "HeapIdle": 1720320,
      "HeapInuse": 9404416,
      "HeapReleased": 1687552,
      "HeapObjects": 113904,

get command line

$ curl -s
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