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Forked from xeoncross/ParensParser.php
Last active June 16, 2020 06:06
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PHP: Nested Parenthesis Parser
// @rodneyrehm
class ParensParser
// something to keep track of parens nesting
protected $stack = null;
// current level
protected $current = null;
// input string to parse
protected $string = null;
// current character offset in string
protected $position = null;
// start of text-buffer
protected $buffer_start = null;
public function parse($string)
if (!$string) {
// no string, no data
return array();
if ($string[0] == '(') {
// killer outer parens, as they're unnecessary
$string = substr($string, 1, -1);
$this->current = array();
$this->stack = array();
$this->string = $string;
$this->length = strlen($this->string);
// look at each character
for ($this->position=0; $this->position < $this->length; $this->position++) {
switch ($this->string[$this->position]) {
case '(':
// push current scope to the stack an begin a new scope
array_push($this->stack, $this->current);
$this->current = array();
case ')':
// save current scope
$t = $this->current;
// get the last scope from stack
$this->current = array_pop($this->stack);
// add just saved scope to current scope
$this->current[] = $t;
case ' ':
// make each word its own token
// remember the offset to do a string capture later
// could've also done $buffer .= $string[$position]
// but that would just be wasting resources…
if ($this->buffer_start === null) {
$this->buffer_start = $this->position;
return $this->current;
protected function push()
if ($this->buffer_start !== null) {
// extract string from buffer start to current position
$buffer = substr($this->string, $this->buffer_start, $this->position - $this->buffer_start);
// clean buffer
$this->buffer_start = null;
// throw token into current scope
$this->current[] = $buffer;
$string = '(TOP (S (NP (PRP I)) (VP (VBP love) (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ big) (NN bed)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNS roses))))) (. .)))';
$p = new ParensParser();
$result = $p->parse($string);
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