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Sleep mode off

Olivier FAURE PoignardAzur

Sleep mode off
  • Paris, France
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macro_rules! impl_into_view_for_tuples {
($($ty:ident),* $(,)?) => {
impl<$($ty),*> IntoView for ($($ty,)*)
$($ty: IntoView),*
fn into_view(self) -> View {
paste::paste! {
PoignardAzur /
Last active February 11, 2024 21:55
My recommendations for Vello in 2024 (WIP)

My recommendations for Vello in 2024

Basic Documentation:

  • Write a main function.
  • Point to the SceneBuilder types.

All the following come after shipping 0.1.

  • Implement WebGL compatibility

Roadmap for Xilem backend

As you may have heard by now, Google Fonts is funding me this year to work on Xilem.

I'm not alone in that: Aaron Muir Hamilton, Daniel McNab and Matt Campbell were funded as well to work on various parts of the ecosystem. I believe this is Matt's third year getting funding from Google Fonts.

Now, what I was hired to do might be unclear to you. The scope we agreed on was fairly broad and was stated as "contributing to Xilem's view tree and developer experience", but that could mean a lot of things.

This is something I want to fix ASAP. I have a a lot of plans for Xilem, and they involve major changes from the current architectures, changes that might be worrying to the community at large or even to Raph Levien. I certainly don't want to give the impression that I'm wresting the project away from the Linebender community for Google's interest, and that means being transparent early and often about the things I want to break.

Notes on convert_wiki project

This article is a post-mortem on a small project I've been working on for the past few months.

The project itself is mundane: I was tasked with converting a MediaWiki archive into a Git repository, with revision history included.

Where it gets interesting is that, while I initially expected to finish the project in less than a week, it ended up taking about twenty days, spread over three months. Over those months, I've made mistakes, changed course a few times, realized that not everything had to be written in Rust, and resolved that this would be a learning experience for me.

This post-mortem is an attempt to both share the lessons I've learned, and actually figure out what those lessons were.

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PoignardAzur / hackaton_code.ts
Created August 23, 2023 13:59
Small program written for the 2023 Master Dev France hackaton
# Instructions
You've come a long way since you opened your first pizzeria! Your recipes were so successful that they were snapped up all over town, and you soon had to open other establishments to serve the ever-growing demand.
To optimize deliveries and reduce the number of kilometers covered by your delivery drivers, you want to set up an intelligent order allocation system. You need to assign each order to the nearest pizzeria.
What will be the total distance covered by your delivery drivers to deliver all the pizzas?
We assume that the city streets form a grid with integer coordinates, so the distance between two points will be calculated using the Manhattan distance. All orders are delivered individually, and each deliveryman returns to his original pizzeria after each delivery.

Votre programme ne marche pas?

Avoir un programme, une application ou un site qui bugge est une situation très stressante.

Vous avez besoin de trouver une solution, vous cherchez, mais il y a trop de causes possibles et les ressources sur internet ne vous donnent pas les informations nécessaires; vous avez peur d'aggraver le problème.

Mais le bug reste là, et vous restez dans l'impasse tant qu'il n'est pas réglé.

Je peux vous aider !

Sauter de nénufar en nénufar, et apprendre à nager

Aujourd'hui, nous mettons le Rust de côté pour un moment. Parlons de drague.

Il existe une sagesse ancienne, si courante qu'elle en devient un cliché, qui s'énonce comme suit : "Le meilleur moyen de trouver l'amour est d'arrêter de le chercher. Les choses ne viennent pas quand on les cherche, et l'amour vous trouve quand vous vous y attendez le moins. Ce n'est qu'en t'acceptant tel que tu es que tu trouveras une véritable connexion."

Je déteste ce bout de sagesse ancienne. Je l'ai détesté pendant très longtemps.

J'ai toujours eu l'impression que c'était du victim-blaming. Comme dire à une personne pauvre "oh, c'est de ta faute, tu cherches trop l'argent". Le meilleur moyen de trouver un emploi est d'accepter d'être au chômage ou quelque chose comme ça.

Starting Deno language server...
version: 1.34.1 (release, x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu)
executable: /home/olivier-faure/.cargo/bin/deno
Connected to "Visual Studio Code" 1.78.2
Enabling import suggestions for:
Server ready.
Deno has panicked. This is a bug in Deno. Please report this
layout title
Announcing Masonry 0.1, and my vision for Rust UI

When I see the landscape of native GUI in 2022, I feel like something is missing.

I don't just mean Rust UI. My frustrations with UI frameworks started long before I'd even heard of Rust.

The origin story: Qt and fear