Let's make sure our Express app has the required base modules:
# within root of API
npm install --save express pg knex bcrypt
npm install --save-dev nodemon
import javafx.animation.FadeTransition; | |
import javafx.application.Application; | |
import javafx.beans.property.ReadOnlyObjectProperty; | |
import javafx.collections.*; | |
import javafx.concurrent.*; | |
import javafx.geometry.*; | |
import javafx.scene.Scene; | |
import javafx.scene.control.*; | |
import javafx.scene.effect.DropShadow; | |
import javafx.scene.image.*; |
// How to run it | |
// Requires nodejs LTS, git, python2 | |
// Open command line and move to the folder where this script is stored | |
// Edit the script and modify storage location (line 87) | |
// Check the startDate and EndDate and modify it if you need another timeframe (line 102 - 103) | |
// Stop the farmer | |
// Execute "npm install storj-lib" | |
// Execute "node Storj_Farmer_Contracts.js" | |
// Start the farmer |
Write-Host "AD Connect Sync Credential Extract v2 (@_xpn_)" | |
Write-Host "`t[ Updated to support new cryptokey storage method ]`n" | |
$client = new-object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection -ArgumentList "Data Source=(localdb)\.\ADSync2019;Initial Catalog=ADSync" | |
try { | |
$client.Open() | |
} catch { | |
Write-Host "[!] Could not connect to localdb..." | |
return |
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A large repository of japanese subtitles that is updated reasonably often and has a clean design.| The most popular one, you can upload your own subs.| Often have to be retimed.
Short HOWTO about one use case of the work from Cube0x0 (KrbRelay) and others.
No-Fix Local Privilege Escalation from low-priviliged domain user to local system on domain-joined computers.