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RealDoigt / 4mb jam 2023
Last active May 27, 2023 05:03
4mb jam 2023 rules

4MB Jam Rules

You must submit a Ubuntu or Windows desktop (x64) application which adheres to the following conditions:

  1. Excluding readme and copyright attribution, it is under 4 megabytes in size using the power of 2 system also known as Mebibytes (MiB).
    • It is the size of the unpacked project which is counted, not the compressed archive size.
  2. It doesn't contain anything that violates any Canadian federal law.
  3. Isn't porn, doesn't have gratuitous nudity and explicit or implict sexual acts.
  4. It is a video game.
  5. You have a full month to do it, so it is expected it will be made during that month (may 2023).
  • Premade art, sound assets engine code are allowed.


The language has keywords and operators formed out of the glyphs below only:

  • !@#$%^&*()[]{}<>,.;:?|+-="'~/\

Because the theme is interpreted as being nonsense, the language is full of ambiguities and contradictions, which all amount to nonsense.

Variables and Types

The language doesn't come with traditional types, instead it comes in three types: