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RubaXa / 0example.js
Created April 24, 2012 06:13 — forked from Raynos/0example.js
IndexedDB API made better
// jsfiddle:
var store = indexeddbStore("user")
store.put({ name: "bob" }, "bob", function (err, result) {
store.get("bob", function (err, user) {
console.log( === "bob")
RubaXa / jquery.event.fix.js
Created June 19, 2012 14:13 — forked from justinbmeyer/fastfix.js
Makes jQuery.event.fix fast
// (original:
// IE 8 has Object.defineProperty but it only defines DOM Nodes. According to
// All browser that have Object.defineProperties also support Object.defineProperty properly
Object.defineProperties && (function (document, $){
RubaXa / gist:4084463
Created November 16, 2012 05:33
xtpl vs. fest


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<fest:template xmlns:fest="" context_name="json">
	<div class="elm">
			<fest:attribute name="id">box</fest:attribute>
			<fest:attribute name="style">color: red;</fest:attribute>
			<fest:attribute name="class"><fest:space/>js-elm</fest:attribute>
* Watcher leaks for jQuery
* RubaXa <[email protected]>
* MIT Licensed.
* API:
* $.leaks.get();
* $;
* $.leaks.unwatch();
* $.leaks.remove();
&bem b-datalist {
ctx.head ? &__head ctx.head
for item in ctx.items {
&__item item
ctx.foot ? &__foot ctx.foot
RubaXa / jquery.event.scroll.js
Last active December 17, 2015 06:58
jQuery extension, add support `scrollstart` and `scrollend` events.
* jQuery extension, add support `scrollstart` and `scrollend` events.
* @author RubaXa <[email protected]>
* @github
* @license MIT
* @settings
* $.special.scrollend.delay = 300; // default ms
RubaXa / jquery.classList.js
Last active December 17, 2015 07:48
jQuery extension, add support `classList`.
* jQuery extension, add support `classList`.
* @author RubaXa <[email protected]>
* @license MIT
(function ($){
_rspace = /\s+/
RubaXa / jquery.fn.find.js
Last active April 14, 2016 15:47
Fastest jQuery.fn.find
* Fastest jQuery.fn.find
* @jsperf
* @author RubaXa <[email protected]>
* @license MIT
/* global document, jQuery */
document.createElement('div').querySelectorAll && (function ($, originalFind){
var el = document.getElementById('choose');
FileAPI.event.on(el, 'change', function (evt){
var files = FileAPI.getFiles(evt);
FileAPI.filterFiles(files, function (file, info){
return /^image/.test(file.type);
}, function (files, ignor){
if( files.length ){
// ...
RubaXa / PickMeUp
Last active December 28, 2015 18:59
PickMeUp в 30 строк
/*! PickMeUp - jQuery datepicker plugin | Nazar Mokrynskyi <[email protected]> | Stefan Petre <> MIT */
(function(d){function getMaxDays(){var tmpDate=new Date(this.toString()),d=28,m=tmpDate.getMonth();while(tmpDate.getMonth()==m){++d;tmpDate.setDate(d);}return d-1;}d.addDays=function(n){this.setDate(this.getDate()+n);};d.addMonths=function(n){
var day=this.getDate();this.setDate(1);this.setMonth(this.getMonth()+n);this.setDate(Math.min(day,getMaxDays.apply(this)));};d.addYears=function(n){var day=this.getDate();this.setDate(1);this.setFullYear(this.getFullYear()+n);this.setDate(Math.min(day,getMaxDays.apply(this)));};d.getDayOfYear=function(){var now=new Date(this.getFullYear(),this.getMonth(),this.getDate(),0,0,0);var then=new Date(this.getFullYear(),0,0,0,0,0);var time=now-then;return Math.floor(time/24*60*60*1000);};})(Date.prototype);(function($){
$.pickmeup=$.extend($.pickmeup||{},{date:new Date,flat:false,first_day:1,prev:"&#9664;",next:"&#9654;",mode:"single",view:"days",calendars:1,f