I tried streaming with FFmpegOut in the following steps.
_session = FFmpegSession.Create(
Open these urls to get the host and ports to use: | |
GET https://letsrobot.tv/get_websocket_relay_host/{Camera ID Numbers Here} | |
{"host":"letsrobot.tv"} | |
GET https://letsrobot.tv/get_video_port/{Camera ID Numbers Here} | |
{"mpeg_stream_port":661177} | |
GET https://letsrobot.tv/get_audio_port/{Camera ID Numbers Here} | |
{"audio_stream_port":881199} |
I tried streaming with FFmpegOut in the following steps.
_session = FFmpegSession.Create(
<?php | |
echo "<PRE style=\"font-size:24px\">"; | |
$apiLoginId = '65M3HCNw3bp1'; | |
$transactionId = '2018911514592302024'; | |
$transactionAmount = '46.33'; | |
$messageString = "^{$apiLoginId}^{$transactionId}^{$transactionAmount}^"; | |
//Replace with your key! |
#!/bin/bash | |
mkdir postgres | |
cd postgres | |
docker volume create --driver local --name=pgvolume | |
docker volume create --driver local --name=pga4volume | |
docker network create --driver bridge pgnetwork |
import mod_utils | |
import hardware.motor_hat | |
# Example for adding custom code to the controller | |
from subprocess import Popen | |
module = None | |
def setup(robot_config): | |
global module |
#!/bin/bash | |
# Clear screen | |
printf "\ec" | |
echo -en "\ec" | |
echo | |
echo -e "\e[31m**************************************************" | |
echo -e "\e[31m* \e[39mYou are now about to install everything needed \e[31m*" |
staticOverlayCommand = '-f image2 -i /home/pi/runmyrobot/images/hud.png -filter_complex "[0:v]format=argb,geq=r=\'r(X,Y)\':g=\'g(X,Y)\':b=\'b(X,Y)\':a=\'0.7*alpha(X,Y)\'[overlay]; [1:v][overlay]overlay"'
# escape=` | |
FROM mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore:1809-amd64 as download | |
SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';"] | |
RUN C:\Windows\System32\curl --location --output apache.zip -A "Chrome" "https://www.apachelounge.com/download/VS16/binaries/httpd-2.4.46-win64-VS16.zip" | |
RUN Expand-Archive apache.zip -DestinationPath C:\ ; ` |
# escape=` | |
FROM mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore:1809-amd64 | |
SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';"] | |
#https://www.apachelounge.com/download/VS16/binaries/httpd-2.4.46-win64-VS16.zip | |
#https://www.apachehaus.com/downloads/httpd-2.4.46-lre323-x86-vs16.zip | |
RUN C:\Windows\System32\curl --location --output vc_redist.x64.exe -A "Chrome" "https://aka.ms/vs/16/release/vc_redist.x64.exe" ; ` | |
Start-Process '.\vc_redist.x64.exe' '/install /passive /norestart' -Wait; ` |
//souce: https://blog.logrocket.com/forget-express-js-opt-for-these-alternatives-instead/ | |
//usage | |
parsed = await req.requestBodyJson(); | |
//utility fn | |
function requestBodyJson(req) { | |
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { | |
let body = ''; |