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Tommaso Merciai Scott31393

  • Avnet SILICA
  • Florence, Italy
View GitHub Profile

Bring-up Cheatsheet


Boot using .scr

To enable this feature you need the following U-Boot config:

Scott31393 /
Last active January 3, 2025 11:15

Linux Test Tool Cheatsheet

Compile Main test Tool (Using Yocto)

Append these lines into:




Compile Kernel/U-Boot inside Android source tree

#After run this script clean kernel tree using:
#make clean
#make mrproper

export ARCH=arm64

Bitbake Cheatsheet

Verbose as possible

bitbake -vDDD your-recipe

List recipes

bitbake -s

Linux Tips Cheatsheet

Create User and add to main group

$ sudo useradd -d <folder> <username>
$ sudo usermod -a -G <main-group> <username>
$ sudo passwd <username>
$ su <username>

Android Tips Cheatsheet

Sync Android framework after build at runtime

Just build something then:

$ adb root && adb remount && adb sync

Cast display on Host using adb

Chromium Cheatsheet

date 060610092020  (mmddhhyy)


echo "OPEN 1920x1080"
udhcpc -i eth1
date 190510092020

Configure git send-mail


$ sudo apt-get install git-email

Configure git send-mail

Docker Cheatsheet @alienmind01


FROM ubuntu:16.04

RUN   apt-get update && \
      apt-get -y install sudo build-essential

VSCode Custom Debug Shortcuts

In order to setup custom keybindings shortcuts in vscode you need to edit keybindings.json:

Open vscode and press:

ctrl + shift + p