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Scott Hutchinson ScottHutchinson

  • ICI Services
  • Westlake Village, California
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robertpi / gist:2964793
Created June 21, 2012 09:18
F# record implementing an interface
namespace MyNamespace
type IMyInterface =
abstract GetValue: unit -> string
type MyRecord =
{ MyField1: int
MyField2: string }
interface IMyInterface with
member x.GetValue() = x.MyField2
movitto /
Created January 28, 2017 01:49
Parallel Catch - Invokes philsquared/Catch tests in a parallel fashion (
# runs tests in parallel
TAGS="$($TEST_CMD -l | grep Scenario -A 1 | grep -v Scenario | sort -u)"
IFS=' ' read -a SPLIT <<< $TAGS
# so as to round up
PER_JOB=`expr $NUM_TAGS + $JOBS - 1`
pirrmann / Differ.fs
Created March 21, 2018 14:27
type DifferenceType<'TKey, 'T> =
| Added of 'TKey * 'T
| Removed of 'TKey * 'T
| Modified of 'TKey * 'T * 'T * seq<string * (string * string)> with
member this.Key =
match this with
| Added (key, _)
| Removed (key, _)
| Modified (key, _, _, _) -> key
// This is am example of an immediate write / random access cursor for Excel with basic formatting options.
// Implementation is based on a concrete, non generic writer monad with no payload ("do!"" only) (only state).
// Instead of directl writing to excel, an alternatives would be a random acces to a
// copy-on-write list (or even a mutable array) and then bulk-write the result to excel in one shot.
// When only forward access would have been required, a simple seq expression with yields would have been enough.
// Anyway, it is a demonstration on how to "hide" pseudo-mutable state that is passed through a computation.
// I personally use it for generating reports based on various data sources.