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Shah Saraei ShahOdin

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ShahOdin / methodToFinagleServiceConversion.scala
Last active June 28, 2018 10:35
implicit conversion of methods to Finagle Services
import com.twitter.util.Future
import com.twitter.finagle.Service
//the method that we want to pass around
def foo(x:Int): Future[String] = Future.value(x.toString)
//the construct that depends on Services
def bar(service: Service[Int,String]) = service
trait A
trait B
trait C
trait D
class E(a:A,b:B,c:C,d:D)
//(I)function declaration.
object FSM {
sealed trait State
object State {
sealed trait State1 extends State
sealed trait State2 extends State
sealed trait State3 extends State
sealed trait NaturalNumber
sealed trait _0 extends NaturalNumber
sealed trait _1 extends _0
sealed trait _2 extends _1
sealed trait _3 extends _2
sealed trait _4 extends _3
sealed trait _5 extends _4
sealed trait _6 extends _5
sealed trait _7 extends _6
sealed trait _8 extends _7
sealed trait Bool
sealed trait True extends Bool
sealed trait False extends Bool
sealed trait Comparison {
type Match[IfLT <: Up, IfEQ <: Up, IfGT <: Up, Up] <: Up
type gt = Match[False, False, True, Bool]
ShahOdin /
Last active October 6, 2017 08:49
a demonstration of the problems with dependency injection in OO and how these problems can be avoided with trait mix-ins in Scala.
// Hidden dependency makes inheriting from implementation dangerous.
object BadObjectOrientation {
trait Interface {
protected def resourceA: Int
protected def resourceB: String
//only supposed to use A
* In a service-based architecture, often multiple components have common dependencies. However, each is usually interested in
* a fraction of the provided functionality in a dependency. As such, when testing a dependency, the components tend to mock the individual
* functionalities in place (in their spec file). This means that one usually ends up with a lot of mock duplication in spec files.
* This is bad because these are hard to maintain. If a service's API were to change, the spec files mocking a functionality could
* fail and one has to go through the tests on a one by one basis and update them individually. Moreover, this duplication means
* that a high level component, needs to potentially combine the provided mocks if one of its dependencies shared a dependency with itself.
* Below is a demonstration of a suggested way service components (http-services, actors, etc.) should mock their dependencies.
* They need to define a MockAPI which is a list of components they need, in order to pr