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Soapbosnia /
Last active June 18, 2024 05:23
Disable smooth-scrolling in Discord

Disabling smooth scrolling on Discord

  • Step 1: Press WinKey+R and type %localappdata%
  • Step 2: Find the Discord folder and enter it
  • Step 3: Create a new file called Discord.bat
  • Step 4: Set the file's content to the code below
  • Step 5: Create a shortcut of Discord.bat on the Desktop


Soapbosnia /
Last active February 15, 2025 04:28
Enabling native title bar on Discord client

Enabling native title bar on Discord client

  • Step 1: Download 7-ZIP and the ASAR plugin from [ ]
  • Step 2: After installing 7-ZIP create a new folder inside of its install location called Formats
  • Step 3: Extract the .dll from one of the folders in the archive (x64 or 32) to the Formats folder
  • Step 4: Go to C:\Users\**YourUsername**\AppData\Local\Discord\app-1.0.9007\modules\discord_desktop_core-1\discord_desktop_core (Replace **YourUsername** with your username)
  • Step 5: Open the core.asar file with 7-ZIP and extract its content to a folder of your choice
  • Step 6: Enter the folder and go to the app subdirectory, after that find the file called mainWindow.js or mainScreen.js and open it with a text editor of your choice
  • Step 7: Go to line 419 and change frame: false to frame: true, if you can't find that text press CTRL+F and search for frame: false, it should look like the one attached in the screens