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Steve Vissault SteveViss

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Ignas /
Created January 25, 2012 13:52
Set up for a local postgresql database using a Makefile
export PGPORT ?= 4488
PG_PATH ?= $(shell if test -d /usr/lib/postgresql/9.1; then echo /usr/lib/postgresql/9.1; else echo /usr/lib/postgresql/8.4; fi)
PG_DIR = ${PWD}/instance/var
PG_DATA = ${PG_DIR}/data
PG_RUN = ${PG_DIR}/run
PG_LOG = ${PG_DIR}/log
PGPARAMS = -D ${PG_DATA} -o "-F -c unix_socket_directory=${PG_RUN} -c custom_variable_classes='busy' -c busy.active_user=0" -l ${PG_LOG}/pg.log
lg0 / markdown.xml
Created April 10, 2012 19:58
Markdown Syntax Highlighting for Sublime text 2
<!-- copy this to YOUR_THEME.tmTheme-->
<string>diff: deleted</string>
apux /
Last active October 7, 2017 06:29
Update multiple git repositories
dirs=`ls -1d */`
for d in $dirs
echo $d
echo '======================'
IFS=$'\n' lines=($(cd $d; git pull))
for l in $lines
echo $l
dfalster / addNewData.R
Last active February 19, 2023 00:29
The function addNewData.R modifies a data frame with a lookup table. This is useful where you want to supplement data loaded from file with other data, e.g. to add details, change treatment names, or similar. The function readNewData is also included. This function runs some checks on the new table to ensure it has correct variable names and val…
##' Modifies 'data' by adding new values supplied in newDataFileName
##' newDataFileName is expected to have columns
##' c(lookupVariable,lookupValue,newVariable,newValue,source)
##' Within the column 'newVariable', replace values that
##' match 'lookupValue' within column 'lookupVariable' with the value
##' newValue'. If 'lookupVariable' is NA, then replace *all* elements
##' of 'newVariable' with the value 'newValue'.


In general, it seems there are roughly five (5) ways to get "file data" (e.g. a GeoTIFF) out of a PostGIS geoprocessing workflow:

  • Export just the raster field as an ASCII grid
  • Connect to the database using a desktop client (e.g. QGIS) [1]
  • Use a procedural language (like PLPGSQL or PLPYthon) [2]
  • Use the COPY declaration to get a hex dump out and convert it to a binary file
  • Fill a 2D NumPy array with a byte array and serialize it to a binary file using GDAL or psycopg2 [3, 4]
  • Use ST_AsTiff() or the more general ST_AsGDALRaster() to get a byte array, which can be written to a binary file
superhighfives / gulpfile.js
Created August 13, 2014 16:09
Gulp / Harp with BrowserSync
var gulp = require('gulp');
var browserSync = require('browser-sync');
var reload = browserSync.reload;
var deploy = require('gulp-gh-pages');
var cp = require('child_process');
var harp = require('harp')
* Serve the Harp Site
vitalbone /
Last active June 28, 2018 17:20
Configuring eslint for Atom

Configuring eslint for Atom

Dan Abramov does a really good job explaining why and how in 'Lint Like It’s 2015'

For the tl;dr version

// install atom's linter && linter-eslint
apm install linter
apm install linter-eslint

Crossref free search



twolfson /
Last active January 26, 2025 07:52
Setting up SOPS

I'm learning about SOPS and setting it up as my preferred mechanism for storing secrets. Here are my notes.


It’s security mechanism is that we (i.e. client) use a PUBLIC key from the receiver (i.e. server) and encode it with a random key (I’m saying nonce but it could be reused)

This varies from RSA and SSH because the server uses a PUBLIC key to identify the client.

Web of trust

Web of trust operates by still using PGP (i.e. encoding with recipient’s public key) but additionally, we can encrypt/sign the data as our own by signing it with the client’s private key.

This means the recipient will initially decrypt via our (i.e. client’s) public key (verifying the source) and then decrypting via their (i.e. server’s) private key to get the data.

ibartomeus / clean_species
Last active January 23, 2017 08:34
Cleaning species taxonomy using taxize. I want to correct synonyms and typo's and drop incomplete cases.
#I have >1000 bees to check its name, so I want to automatize taxize for
# fixing misspellings when possible
# updating synonims to accepted names
# keeping ONLY accepted species (fully resolved at species level)
# this uses taxize > If you are using older version (e.g. what its now on CRAN) see the history of this file.
#example: good, synomin, typo, unexisting, genus only.