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Tommy McNeely TJM

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natemccurdy /
Last active December 6, 2024 23:12
Manually trigger code-manager and file-sync
# This script can be run to manually trigger Code Manager to deploy code from your control-repo. This sort of
# thing is neccesary when, for example:
# - You've turned on Code Manager but have not yet made an RBAC token.
# - You want to pull down the latest version of a Puppetfile module without pushing to your GMS.
# - Something has broken the post-receive hook on your GMS that would've triggered Code Manager.
# - Syntax errors in your Puppetfile prevent you from retrieving those fixes to that Puppetfile.
# - Puppetserver has crashed due to file-sync issues between code and code-staging.
# - Code Manager can't deploy your code for various reasons that are hard to track down.
ddgenome / aws-creds.bash
Last active February 5, 2024 19:32
Fetch AWS STS keys and set environment variables
# Fetch 24-hour AWS STS session token and set appropriate environment variables.
# See .
# You must have jq installed and in your PATH .
# Add this function to your .bashrc or save it to a file and source that file from .bashrc .
function aws-creds () {
local pkg=aws-creds