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trailingslashes Trailingslashes

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How to pass the OSCP

  1. Recon
  2. Find vuln
  3. Exploit
  4. Document it


Unicornscans in cli, nmap in msfconsole to help store loot in database.

Trailingslashes /
Created August 26, 2017 04:44 — forked from leonardofed/
A curated list of AWS resources to prepare for the AWS Certifications

A curated list of AWS resources to prepare for the AWS Certifications

A curated list of awesome AWS resources you need to prepare for the all 5 AWS Certifications. This gist will include: open source repos, blogs & blogposts, ebooks, PDF, whitepapers, video courses, free lecture, slides, sample test and many other resources.

For more about AWS and AWS Certifications and updates to this Gist you should follow me @leonardofed

Trailingslashes /
Last active August 20, 2018 03:15
Nvidia Driver Script for Kali Linux Rolling
# Installs the current nvidia drivers and correct libraries for hashcat
# Repo list -
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get dist-upgrade -y
apt install linux-headers-$(uname -r) -y
apt install nvidia-driver -y
apt install nvidia-opencl-icd libxnvctrl-dev nvidia-opencl-dev libgmp3-dev libgmp10-doc opencl-headers -y
# Run hashcat -I to verify hardware
Trailingslashes /
Last active September 8, 2018 06:36 — forked from douglas/
Update all git repositories under a base directory
# store the current dir
# Let the person running the script know what's going on.
echo "Pulling in latest changes for all repositories.."
# Find all git repositories and update it to the master latest revision
for i in $(find . -name ".git" | cut -c 3-); do
Trailingslashes /
Created September 3, 2018 19:34 — forked from andreyvit/
tmux cheatsheet

tmux cheat sheet

(C-x means ctrl+x, M-x means alt+x)

Prefix key

The default prefix is C-b. If you (or your muscle memory) prefer C-a, you need to add this to ~/.tmux.conf:

remap prefix to Control + a


Ubuntu 16.04 or Ubuntu 18.04




Recommended Node version installed via NodeSource

At least 1GB memory (swap can be used)

A non-root user for running ghost commands

Trailingslashes /
Created September 23, 2018 06:45
Port knocking bash script
for ARG in "$@"
nmap -Pn --host-timeout 100 --max-retries 0 -p $ARG $HOST

1. Clone your fork:

git clone [email protected]:YOUR-USERNAME/YOUR-FORKED-REPO.git

2. Add remote from original repository in your forked repository:

cd into/cloned/fork-repo
git remote add upstream git://
git fetch upstream
Trailingslashes / index.html
Created February 21, 2019 23:16
Challenege-Signup-Form: Attempt 2 created by Trailingslashe1 -
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta name="description" content="Sign up for AnalogSea.">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
<img class="logo" src="" alt="AnalogSea" />
Trailingslashes / index.html
Created February 21, 2019 23:16
Challenege-Signup-Form: Attempt 2 created by Trailingslashe1 -
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta name="description" content="Sign up for AnalogSea.">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
<img class="logo" src="" alt="AnalogSea" />