注意: 生成される文字列についてのネタバレを含みます。
注意: 2022/07/14 現在のアルゴリズムです。
排出確率は約 0.2% です。
The structure of the psd file is summarized in this document, but there is no information on animation. This is because animation is realized as a plug-in. Therefore, here is a summary of what we found by examining the actual exported psd files.
p.kanzenrikai { | |
width: fit-content; | |
position: relative; | |
padding: 1em; | |
transform: translateX(var(--kanzenrikai-shift, 25%)); | |
} | |
p.kanzenrikai::before { | |
content: ""; | |
position: absolute; |
// deno-fmt-ignore | |
type AsciiTable = { 32: " ", 33: "!", 34: "\"", 35: "#", 36: "$", 37: "%", 38: "&", 39: "'", 40: "(", 41: ")", 42: "*", 43: "+", 44: ",", 45: "-", 46: ".", 47: "/", 48: "0", 49: "1", 50: "2", 51: "3", 52: "4", 53: "5", 54: "6", 55: "7", 56: "8", 57: "9", 58: ":", 59: ";", 60: "<", 61: "=", 62: ">", 63: "?", 64: "@", 65: "A", 66: "B", 67: "C", 68: "D", 69: "E", 70: "F", 71: "G", 72: "H", 73: "I", 74: "J", 75: "K", 76: "L", 77: "M", 78: "N", 79: "O", 80: "P", 81: "Q", 82: "R", 83: "S", 84: "T", 85: "U", 86: "V", 87: "W", 88: "X", 89: "Y", 90: "Z", 91: "[", 92: "\\", 93: "]", 94: "^", 95: "_", 96: "`", 97: "a", 98: "b", 99: "c", 100: "d", 101: "e", 102: "f", 103: "g", 104: "h", 105: "i", 106: "j", 107: "k", 108: "l", 109: "m", 110: "n", 111: "o", 112: "p", 113: "q", 114: "r", 115: "s", 116: "t", 117: "u", 118: "v", 119: "w", 120: "x", 121: "y", 122: "z", 123: "{", 124: "|", 125: "}" 126: "~" } | |
type Decoded<T extends number[]> = T extends [infer V, ...infer A] ? A extends number[] ? (V extends |