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This tab provides information on changing Theme Options (Widgets, Sidebars, Menus, Background, Header, etc.) for all the different Themes used on a WordPress site.
Information on changing the Template for each Page or Post is found near the bottom of this tab.
Changing Theme Options
For the Active Theme, nothing changes when using the jonradio Multiple Themes plugin. Options for the Active Theme, including Widgets, Sidebars, Menus, Background, Header and other Customizations supported by the Theme, can be modified in the Admin panel using the Appearance menu items on the left sidebar. Some Themes also provide their own menu items in the left sidebar of the Admin panel, and these will still appear for the Active Theme when using this plugin.
It is more difficult to modify Options for installed Themes that are not the WordPress Active Theme. Building this functionality into this plugin is in the plans for a future Version, but it is not clear just how
VictorieeMan / fork-me-fcc-test-suite-template.markdown
Created August 14, 2020 13:38
Fork Me! FCC: Test Suite Template
VictorieeMan / LicenseResources.txt
Last active December 12, 2021 17:26
Open Source and other License resources
For Software:
For non-software:
VictorieeMan / ArtAlgorithmProjectsOnline.txt
Created November 18, 2021 15:01
Cool art Algorithm projects
Makes lineart out of input picture
VictorieeMan / OpenSourceScience.txt
Created November 30, 2021 10:37
Move Academic Science into the realm of Open-Source
Shared knowledge is better and more valuabel knowledge.
We have the technology and programmers already got the methods of open-sourcing the development of code. I see no reason for science to not go the same way, especially the publicly funded acedemic science. There's already an academic movement of professors and other academic researchers to make more research open access, with the intention of removing paywalls and such for research already made. I like the idea and think the technology of today is open to take things even further. Why not go open-source all the way? Why wait with peer review until after the research is done? Why limit the peers to researches at the same university, why not let interested parties join in if they want -- no matter what their background is? We who use sites like GitHub already know how useful open-source feedback can be even before the project is finished.
If you are a researcher consider using a public github repository for your next project. Store your journal, research
VictorieeMan / readFileToStringVector.h
Last active December 1, 2021 18:05
C++ For saving file lines to a vector<string>
//C++ For saving file lines to a vector<string>
#pragma once
#include <filesystem>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
VictorieeMan / TheMillenniumProblems.txt
Created December 8, 2021 18:27
A list of the seven Millennium Problems of Mathematics.
*Poincaré conjecture
*Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture
*Hodge conjecture
VictorieeMan / .gitignore
Created December 8, 2021 18:34
A .gitignore for LaTex repositories
# LaTeX appropriate .gitignore files
#*.idx #It's possibly nice to keep the index in the git as well
VictorieeMan / Kanelbulle.txt
Last active October 23, 2024 17:16
Swedish cinnamon bun recipe (Recept på Kanelbulle)
Victor's "Swedish cinnamon bun recipe" (Recept på Kanelbulle)
Wheat dough (48 buns):
150 g margarine or butter
5 dl milk
50 g baking yeast
1/2 teaspoon salt
1-1 1/2 dl sugar
(Optional) 2 teaspoons of crushed or grounded cardamom seeds.

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