Infix to Postfix and Postfix Eval of BigIntegers
Due Thursday, May 24th by 11:59:59pm
Basic documentation is required, but no javadoc is necessary -- UNLESS YOU DID NOT SUCCESSFULLY UTILIZE JAVADOC ON YOUR LAST ASSIGNMENT For this assignment you will convert infix expressions to postfix expressions and then evaluate those postfix expressions. You will be given a table of symbols (A - Z) and their associated values to be used in evaluating expressions. The value for each symbol is to be considered a BigInteger. Negative values are also possible. Following this table you will be given a series of strings which will contain INFIX expressions which may be fully or partially parenthesized, but will be valid. The infix expressions will be given one per line and the series of expressions will be terminated by a line containing only a #. You may assume the following about the INFIX expressions:
- the expressions will contain only the characters: A through Z, +, -, *, /, ^, (, ). NOTE: ^ represents the exponent