You'll need to do the following:
You need to make your bot a python app. Do this by making another directory (can be the same name as the regular one) and put all your python code in that, and make an empty file called
in it as well. See how I structured mine if this isn't clear. In your base directory, create two files: "requirements.txt" and "runtime.txt". The requirements.txt file should be the output of pip freeze (you can run the command "pip freeze > requirements.txt"). If you're not using virtualenv, you'll need to go through after and delete all the lines with packages your code doesn't actually use. Check out mine to see what I mean. Runtime.txt just specifies with python version for heroku to use. Mine just has the line "python-2.7.4" in it. All of this will tell heroku to recognize your bot as a python app. -
Make a heroku account and