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Paul B Zenexer

  • 07:50 (UTC -04:00)
View GitHub Profile
# Moved:
Zenexer / Disable Windows
Last active January 10, 2025 04:58
Permanently disable Windows Defender and other annoyances in Windows.


  • To disable a service, download Disable<Service>.reg and double-click to import. (Replace <Service> with the name of the service you want to disable.)
  • To re-enable a service, download Enable<Service>.reg and double-click to import. (Replace <Service> with the name of the service you want to enable.)

Note that if you save the files by copying them into a text editor, they may need to be saved with Windows-style line endings (\r\n).


Zenexer / Internet Slang and
Last active February 14, 2022 23:32
Internet slang, abbreviations, and emoticons
Zenexer / Mac Keyboard
Last active December 7, 2024 17:57
List of Mac/Apple keyboard symbols
Zenexer / lscron
Last active December 20, 2015 01:18
List all cronjobs on system.
for user in $(cut -f1 -d: /etc/passwd); do
CRONTAB="$(sudo crontab -u "$user" -l 2> /dev/null | sed '/^[[:space:]]*#/d; /^[[:space:]]*$/d')"
if (( $? )) || [ -z "$CRONTAB" ]; then
echo "# CRONTAB FOR: $user"
Zenexer / cloner.js
Last active December 19, 2015 07:09
(function(context, attachPrototype) {
// obj: Object or scalar to clone. Accepts any value or lack thereof. Technically optional.
// deep: Whether to perform a deep clone. Defaults to false (shallow clone). Optional.
// deepFunctions: Whether to clone functions when deep cloning. Unless you are doing some fancy voodoo,
// this should remain at the default of false, as these often represent types. Don't
// mess with this unless you understand the consequences of cloning a type complete
// in-tact, which is almost never what you want to do. Optional.
// NOTE: This will fail to clone properties created using ECMA 5's Object.defineProperty function. Provided
// that defineProperty is used with adequate discretion, this should not become an issue. However, if
if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
echo "Syntax: $_ USER[ USER[ ...]]" >&2
exit 1
for user in "$@"; do
Zenexer / authorized_keys
Last active January 9, 2024 04:01
My public keys, in OpenSSH format.
## BEGIN paul ##
ssh-rsa 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 paul@0xA114C32065F79325
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIFiz+mAZk9LIAjQwU4rf3v0qJApzzcQpbiriKVMSLP9v paul@0x5FE65994C25390B6
[email protected] AAAAGnNrLXNzaC1lZDI1NTE5QG9wZW5zc2guY29tAAAAIBAP+89+20USh6cjTJZtVzUmRWTFdJ1rtFbw/y5IirjJAAAAHHNzaDpwYXVsQFl1YmlLZXktNUMtMTMwNj
Zenexer / config.yml
Last active February 15, 2018 02:57
Banned items for Earth2Me Tekkit server.
# Configuration for ForgePlugin.
# General settings.
# Note: At optimal performance levels, there are 20 ticks per second.
# After a chunk is loaded, it will be re-checked to ensure that it should be remain loaded. Specify the number of
# minutes (ticks-per-second-dependent) before that check occurs. Negative to disable (default).
recheck-delay: 3