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ZuZuD / userChrome.css
Last active October 3, 2019 17:04
userChrome.css tab tree with side-bar auto-hidden + hover and side-bar header removed + resize tab
MacOS instructions:
- open about:config and set toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets to True
- mkdir ~/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/<profile>/chrome/
- copy this file to ~/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/<profile>/chrome/userChrome.css
Options set:
- Using the side-bar with Tree tab mode
ZuZuD / userChrome.css
Created December 14, 2017 23:39
userChrome.css @MacBook
Using the side-bar with Tree tab mode
No sidebar-header */
@namespace url("");
#main-window {
--toolbar-bgcolor: #31363b !important;
ZuZuD / gist:66decbe330ec560ac8e57e87150891b8
Created January 17, 2018 22:57
Parse /boot/grub/grub.cfg to help set GRUB_DEFAULT opts in /etc/default/grub
export GRUB_CONFIG=`sudo find /boot -name "grub.cfg"`
awk 'BEGIN {submenu=0;menu=0};$1 ~ /submenu/ {submenu+=1;menu=0;sub(/\$.*$/,"");print submenu" " $0};/menuentry / && /Linux/ {gsub(/menuentry/,"");gsub(/--class.*$/,"");gsub(/\047/,"");print " "submenu">"menu " " $0;menu+=1}' $GRUB_CONFIG
# 1 submenu 'Advanced options for Ubuntu 3.19'
# 1>0 Ubuntu, with Linux 3.19.0-75-generic
# 1>1 Ubuntu, with Linux 3.19.0-75-generic (recovery mode)
# 1>2 Ubuntu, with Linux 3.13.0-139-generic
# 1>3 Ubuntu, with Linux 3.13.0-139-generic (recovery mode)
# 2 submenu 'Advanced options for Ubuntu 4.2'
ZuZuD / gist:c281df71a79a4a14137c187715988b3d
Created March 27, 2018 17:10
ElasticCache memcached ( PHP5 auto-discovery getAllKeys() workaround
# workaround for bug on getallKeys() on version superior to 1.4.22
function listKeys($srv,$max)
foreach($srv as $node) {
echo "Host: ".$node['host']." Port: ".$node['port']."\n";
$mem = new Memcached();
$mem->addServer($node['host'], $node['port']);
ZuZuD / gist:68725dd8e2227be0d35e0e3b69798d3a
Last active March 27, 2018 17:19
ElasticCache auto discovery PHP 7.0 - POC non-consistency getAllKeys() method
function printkv($store) {
if (is_array($store)) {
foreach($store as $item) {
echo "Key: ".$item['key']." Value: ".$item['value']."\n";
ZuZuD /
Created April 2, 2018 22:52
Kodi bash alias
function cpkodi {
scp $@ root@$kodi_ip:/storage/tvshows
function lskodi {
ssh root@$kodi_ip ls -ltrh /storage/tvshows
function rmkodi {
ssh root@$kodi_ip "cd /storage/tvshows && rm $@"
ZuZuD / gist:aa94ed6ed831b69d85c8e08cec05316b
Last active April 11, 2018 00:12
Python pprint from bash
alias pprint="python -c \"import pprint, sys, json; pprint.pprint(json.loads(''.join([x.strip() for x in sys.stdin.readlines()]))) \""
ZuZuD /
Last active July 28, 2018 20:24
TCP states break down with Scappy
from scapy.all import *
import time
import random
def sendit(src=None, dst=None, dport=None):
See the different status of a TCP connection
Was initially written to identify a docker-proxy bug:
I suggest to keep a netstat running from the server side: $ watch -0.1 'netstat -laptn|grep 80'
ZuZuD / tracer-for-ssm.service
Created July 4, 2019 13:59
systemd_unit to strace amazon-ssm-agent.service
Description=stracer for SSM
ExecStart=/usr/bin/bash -l -c '/bin/strace -p $(pidof amazon-ssm-agent) > /var/log/strace_ssm_agent.log 2>&1'
ZuZuD /
Last active December 9, 2022 15:22
Simulate an ephemeral port exhaustion on a Linux client.
import socket
import time
import argparse
import subprocess
import shlex
Usage: python3 <dst> <dport> <optional:loop>
Example: python3 80
Help: --help