This is how to install portainer on the swarm you created using this gist note this should work on non-swarm installs too!
Download the portain stack yaml that will do this for you
curl -L -o portainer-agent-stack.yml
now run it
sudo docker stack deploy -c portainer-agent-stack.yml portainer
this will create a single portainer container that runs on the management node and deploy the agent to all worker nodes, once complete you can now access portainer at http://docker-host-ip:9000 and define your admin users etc
You now have a fully function docker swarm with portainer and can deploy containers, stacks or templates.
How to use portainer is beyond the scope of this gist
This is the portainer install doc at time of writing for reference but the instructions above will work just fine
You are awesome mate and for sure going to learn some of your tricks. I just read that Gluster is 'almost' dead. Redhat killing it ?
That said, I am thinking of going in a different direction...
Installing a Portainer on a standalone machine and have an agent on the swarm.
Would it be fair to say I would do the following ?