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Aaron Bassett aaronbassett

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Consensus: the word as a noun in everyday language means a general agreement.
But in the world of blockchain technology? It means a whole lot more.
Consensus is the procedure in which peers - or nodes - on a blockchain network reach agreement about the present state of the data in the network. It’s crucial that everyone in that network agrees - whether it’s the balance of an account, the outcome of a vote, or the execution result of a smart contract.
Consensus mechanisms are the methodologies used to achieve this agreement. It’s these sets of rules that help to establish reliability, trust, and protect networks from malicious behaviour and hacking attacks. So you can think of it as how a blockchain network remains secure.
There are many different types of consensus mechanisms, depending on the blockchain and its application. While they differ in their energy usage, security, and scalability, they all share one purpose: to ensure that everyone has a single source of truth about what happens on the chain.
Hello! And welcome to this video series! And welcome to the world and ecosystem of Polkadot technology. Today we’ll be diving into WHAT Polkadot is exactly…. Which is actually a rather complex topic. There are a lot of things that Polkadot “is”. And you may have heard some of these terms before - Relay chain, parachains, BABE, GRANDPA - when I was first learning about Polkadot and blockchain technology in general, I was rather overwhelmed by all of the new vocabulary. It felt like a new language!
So, if you’re feeling a little lost - have no fear - we’re going to try and break all of that down for you today.
To get started, we’re going to dive into a few explainer videos which cover the core concepts you absolutely need to know about Polkadot.
Then once we understand that, we’ll go into HOW polkadot actually works!
And lastly, we’ll take a look at the docs as well as take a brief quiz to ensure that you’re getting the hang of things!
{ "Number of Headers": 9, "Count": 850456 },
{ "Number of Headers": 7, "Count": 646445 },
{ "Number of Headers": 8, "Count": 625424 },
{ "Number of Headers": 11, "Count": 621524 },
{ "Number of Headers": 10, "Count": 577927 },
{ "Number of Headers": 6, "Count": 498719 },
{ "Number of Headers": 5, "Count": 472418 },
{ "Number of Headers": 15, "Count": 408587 },
{ "Number of Headers": 14, "Count": 401035 },
aaronbassett / doc-geojson.json
Last active March 22, 2020 23:35 - Finding users within X km/miles of a zip code
"address1":"Suite 442",
"address2":"855 Owens Track",
$addFields: {
fizzbuzz: {
$switch: {
branches: [{
case: {
$and: [{
$eq: [{
$mod: ["$counter", 3]
}, 0]
exports = function(changeEvent) {
const http ="salesHTTP");
const fullDocument = changeEvent.fullDocument;
url: "",
body: {
token: context.values.get("PUSHOVER_API_TOKEN"),
user: context.values.get("PUSHOVER_USER"),
title: 'New Sale',
while True:
for infile in glob.glob("pride/*.png"):
im =
pixel_grid = list(im.getdata())
for channel in range(8):
pixels = pixel_grid[channel:-1:8]
for num, pixel in enumerate(pixels):
pixel = darken_color(pixel[0], pixel[1], pixel[2], factor=0.3)
set_pixel(mote_hosts, channel + 1, num, pixel[0], pixel[1], pixel[2])