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Andrew Bloom abloom

  • Turquoise Health
  • Chicago Il
View GitHub Profile
sudo mkdir -p /opt/local
sudo chown "$USER":admin /opt/local
brew install postgresql@15 proj gettext protobuf-c json-c sfcgal pcre2 icu4c geos gdal
mkdir -p /opt/local/bin
ln -s `which postgres` /opt/local/bin/postgres
tar -xzvf postgis-3.4.2.tar.gz
class Gene
def init(line = ""):
for pair in line.split(";"):
splits = pair.split(" ")
if len(splits) == 2:
key = pair.split(" ")[0]
value = pair.split(" ")[1] # TODO add some code to remove the quotes from the result[key] = data
def get(field):
#!/usr/bin/env bash
grep "Value=$VARIABLE" example.txt
abloom /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
[Action Item] skeletor_node hostclass update

Dear I-Tiers,

We've just completed testing an updated hostclass: skeletor_node-2014.11.21_22.42.

Changes since the previous release are minimal, just version bumps for logstash and groupon monitoring packages.

A few weeks ago David Bushong reported an issue with 1 of their many servers writing invalid lines to /var/groupon/logstash/log/logstash-metric.log. It seems the failure is rare, but the updated packages will make sure it never happens to your machines.

As always make sure to test this on UAT and Staging before scheduling and updating Production.

UUID Generation: undefined - undefined
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Profiler End UUID: e433af606ea111e48127a1475febc159
UUID Generation: undefined - undefined
Instrumentation Start UUID: e56fd8e06ea111e48127a1475febc159
Blog.find({} function(err, docs) {
if (err) {
cb(err, null);
} else {
{"html":"<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n <head>\n <meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n <meta http-equiv=\"X-UA-Compatible\" content=\"IE=edge,chrome=1\">\n <script>\n BOOMR = {};\n BOOMR[\"t_lstart\"] = new Date().getTime();\n var optimizeSuiteData = {\n cookieDomain: \"\",\n pageType: \"{{pageType}}\",\n division: \"chicago\",\n country: \"us\",\n channel: \"{{channel}}\" || \"main\"\n };\n var clientOptimizeConfig =\n {{#clientOptimizeConfig}}{{{clientOptimizeConfig}}}{{/clientOptimizeConfig}}\n {{^clientOptimizeConfig}}{}{{/clientOptimizeConfig}}\n;\n </script>\n <script>window.JSON || document.write('<script src=\"//\">\\x3C/script>')</script>\n <title>{{title}}</title>\n <link href=\"//\" rel=\"shortcut icon\">\n <link href=\"\" rel=\"alternate\" title=\"RSS\
describe 'mean' do
let(:array_1) { [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 7] }
let(:array_2) { [4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7] }
it "is defined as a method" do
defined?(mean).should eq 'method'
function createMy() {
var my = {},
privateVariable = 1;
function privateMethod() {
// ...
my.moduleProperty = 1;
my.moduleMethod = function () {