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Ahmed Bouhuolia abouolia

View GitHub Profile
"سيدي خليفة",
"الظهرة -تنيناي الوادي",
"التنية البيضاء",
"سوف الجين",
"أبو راس",
abouolia / index.json
Created June 6, 2021 10:28
"hello_world": "Hello World",
"email_or_phone_number": "Email or phone number",
"password": "Password",
"login": "Login",
"invalid_email_or_phone_number": "Invalid email or phone number.",
"required": "Required",
"reset_password": "Reset Password",
"the_user_has_been_suspended_from_admin": "The user has been suspended from the administrator.",
"email_and_password_entered_did_not_match": "The email and password you entered did not match our records.",
abouolia / gist:03e1727e5bc296b228788a57f7ad8eb3
Last active May 4, 2022 11:55
Running HavenoClient tests.
Redocumenting the steps to run haveno-ts tests. All these steps are required.
1. Install. these dependencies on your machine `make wget git git-lfs openjdk-11-jdk`, if you ware on Mac just install the `openjdk-11-jdk`.
2. Download `protoc-gen-grpc-web plugin` and make executable as [shown here](
3. Install `protobuf` compiler v3.19.1 or later for your system:
- mac: `brew install protobuf`
- linux: apt install protobuf-compiler NOTE: You may need to upgrade to v3.19.1 manually if your package manager installs an older version.