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Bharathkumar Chandraraja acbharat

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acbharat /
Created October 12, 2019 13:43 — forked from leonardofed/
A curated list of AWS resources to prepare for the AWS Certifications

A curated list of AWS resources to prepare for the AWS Certifications

A curated list of awesome AWS resources you need to prepare for the all 5 AWS Certifications. This gist will include: open source repos, blogs & blogposts, ebooks, PDF, whitepapers, video courses, free lecture, slides, sample test and many other resources.

Hands-on Ansible, where we're going to learn and get our hands dirty about system provisioning, change management, and automation using the open source software, Ansible. Throughout this course we'll be showing you the concepts and fundamentals of the software, along with real world examples and exercises on doing many server-related tasks. My name is Aaron Paxson, and in this module we'll be introducing Ansible, what it can do, and why you'd want to use it.
What Is Ansible?
So really what exactly is Ansible? Well perhaps you heard somebody talking about it or maybe you read about it online. Well the name actually came from an old sci-fi writer back in the '60s which denoted a fictitious device that is supposed to communicate over interstellar distances in like real time, and after that definition, well, you may have thought of Ender Wiggin from the movie Ender's Game. In this movie, Ender actually uses an Ansible to communicate to thousands of ships galaxies away in real time, and incidentally,
acbharat / Terraform
Last active April 17, 2019 14:46
Variables and Environment
Pillars of automating infrastructure Deployment (resources):
1.Provisioning resources
2.Planning Updates
3.Using Source Control
4.Reusing templates
Variables and Environment
Dev, QA, Production
Variables and multi states
Store secrets in safe place
Least privileged access for pipeline and all supporting components
Repo optimization
KMS intergration
Operational readiness for supporting AWS services for pipeline
Well defined patterns,tooling and best practices and documentation for testing of applications and integration with pipeline
All test and testing frameworks for applications supported and integrated with ADOPT (Unit, Integration and Smoke)
Install SonarQube plug-in on Jenkins build server no matter in local(or)AWS,
Application team needs to have access to SonarQube application dashboard.
From CI/CD perspective, we installed and configured Sonar plug-in in Jenkins build server by passing below parameters on properties file to run code analysis for every build,
acbharat / ECS
Last active January 24, 2019 23:24
A.EC2 Instance SETUP:
Launch EC2 Instances
--IAM Role
--- Security group
Allow SSH,HTTP and Lb
-- User data
. /etc/ecs/ecs.config
-- Key pair
SSH into instance
Command to retrieve password after docker installation :
The password was saved to /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword.
You can use
CMD: docker exec <container> cat /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword
where <container> is your container id or name.
acbharat /
Created July 27, 2018 18:52 — forked from alexserver/
REST basics, Theory, Principles, and examples.

RESTful API know-how


I place my learning process in this document with 2 motives:

  1. To have a quick guide whenever I lost the track of knowledge.
  2. To share the knowledge with anyone wants to learn RESTful APIs

1. Before, some theory

acbharat / Understanding Ansible
Last active February 27, 2019 15:47 — forked from MrNice/
Explain how to think about ansible and how to use it
# Ansible
## Understanding Ansible
Ansible is a powerful, simple, and easy to use tool for managing computers. It is most often used to update programs and configuration on dozens of servers at once, but the abstractions are the same whether you're managing one computer or a hundred.
Ansible can even do "fun" things like change the desktop photo or backup personal files to the cloud. It can take a while to learn how to use Ansible because it has an extensive terminology, but once you understand the why and the how of Ansible, its power is readily apparent.
Ansible's power comes from its simplicity. Under the hood, Ansible is just a domain specific language (DSL) for a task runner for a secure shell (ssh). You write ansible yaml (.yml) files which describe the tasks which must run to turn plain old / virtualized / cloud computers into production ready server-beasts. These tasks, in turn, have easy to understand names like "copy", "file", "command", "ping", or "lineinfile". Each of these turns into shell comma