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Adam Ayd adamayd

  • Hagerty
  • Conowingo, MD
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adamayd /
Created January 31, 2018 02:51
Web Development Podcasts for Beginners in 2018

Web Development Podcasts for Beginners in 2018

Commuting to work from east of Baltimore to Washington DC leaves a lot of time in the car. While driving to work one day early in my web development career, I wondered if there is such a thing as a web development podcast. How would you pull off live coding on a “radio” podcast. Well, you don’t. Well, sometimes they do, but the moral of the story is that I was shocked to find that not only are there web development podcasts, there are a lot of them and really good ones to boot. These podcasts have become staples to my learning and I recommend them to everyone who is just starting out. While there are plenty to listen to, I recommend starting with these. You’ll have plenty of time later to load up deep dives into the V8 JavaScript engine later.

Technology Podcasts

These podcasts are focused more on the technologies used in web development and their use cases.

Syntax - The new kid on the block and by far my favorite right now. Syn

adamayd /
Last active December 1, 2020 16:00

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