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Adeleke Bright adeisbright

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adeisbright /
Created August 17, 2021 10:23
Create HMTL paragraphs


A paragraph is a distinct section within a document covering one topic. It must start on a new line, and can contain more than one sentence. Paragraphs can be indented for visual appeal or left unattended to. The paragraph element is used for creating paragraphs in HTML. The character that represents this element is: “p”

To create a paragraph, use the general format below:

Your content

Let us use the example below to demonstrate working with paragraphs.
adeisbright /
Created August 17, 2021 10:12
How HTML is structured


A web document is structured similarly to how we structure print information. A document must have a descriptive header that helps to clearly inform the reader, a body that explains, and a footer with summarizing information.

Same document model is used for web pages. Let us stop with the talking and create our first page. After that, we will explain what is contained in the document. What next to do?

  • Create a folder (name it html) in your working directory preferably desktop for easy access
  • Open the folder using a text editor (We are using VS code in this lesson)
adeisbright /
Last active August 17, 2021 09:29
Getting Started with HTML

Introduction to HTML

This is the first course we will be offering in our front end or full stack path. At the end of the course , you should be able to do the following :

  • Understand how the web works
  • Understand how to use and create HTML tags
  • Tell the difference between elements , tags , and attributes
  • Properly create a web page
  • Be able to build a that conforms to web standard


adeisbright /
Created August 11, 2021 13:48
Create reusable pieces of code

What is a module

adeisbright /
Last active August 10, 2021 15:42
Working with Forms in React

Table of Contents

  1. The purpose for forms
  2. How to create React Forms
  3. Handling Events
  4. State Management in React Forms
  5. Use of Fetch API

The Purpose of Forms

Forms are primarily created to allow enable users provide useful data.

adeisbright /
Last active August 10, 2021 14:32
How to route using react-router
adeisbright /
Created August 9, 2021 15:18
Hello World in Node.js

We are going to write our first node.js code.

adeisbright /
Last active August 9, 2021 15:27
Lesson One : Getting Started with node

What is Node.js

Node.js is an open source and cross platform javascript runtime environment for writing server side applications , command line tools , and other types of application that can run outside the browser. It runs on Google V8 engine.

It was designed and built by Ryan Dhal in 2009.

Why Javascript on the Server ?

Before the advent of NodeJs , Javascript usage was limited mostly to the browser.

Getting Started with Python

Python is a high level and interpreted programming language that is suitable for scientific progamming. It is easy and can be very quick to grasp by beginners. This gist will help you to get a hold on Python

How to Get Python

Python is a free and open source. You can get from Python Download. Download the package suitable for your OS. After successful download , installing python is easy ... Follow the prompts and provide feedback. To confirm if your installation was successful , open your system's terminal and issue this command :

adeisbright /
Last active August 3, 2021 14:51
An helpful guide on learning React

How to Learn React

React is an Arsenal in the tools of the modern day front end developer , you cannot work effectively without it How should you approach learning it ?

Before taking on React , ensure you know the following Javascript concepts very well :

  • Functions
  • Objects
  • Array and its method
  • Array and Object Destructuring
  • Pure and Higher Order Functions