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adtac / Bonding Phase Mentor Blog
Created May 26, 2017 17:48
I'm going to be a GSoC mentor!

I'm going to be a GSoC mentor!

Hello! Last year, I had a lot of fun as a GSoC student with coala. I worked on this tool called coala-quickstart, which is supporting tool for coala users. With coala-quickstart, users can generate a coala configuration file tailored to their project. And this year, I get to be a mentor to a student working on building new and amazing stuff upon my work.

Satwik is my student (which is really weird thing; he and I are the same age). He's from Delhi and he goes to Delhi Technological University. He's been contributing to coala since January and he's pretty awesome. He'll be working on integrating various developer config files into coala.

Imagine you're creating a new Node.js project. You'll be creating a package.json, maybe a Gulpfile.js and some other metadata files. These files are filled wit information like what files to include in the project, what files to ignore, what

adtac / GSoC 2017: Phase-1
Last active July 25, 2017 07:33
GSoC 2017: Phase-1

It has been a month since my last update and there has been a lot of exciting stuff going on. Let me fill you in.

As you'd probably know, Satwik has been working on improving coala-quickstart. See my other post from a while ago to know more details.

In the past month or so, he has laid down the framework that's going to be used by the rest of his stuff -- this includes a generic module for storing any kind of information, an extractor module that exposes some useful functions, and a bunch of information classes (inheriting the previously mentioned Info) that hold things like whether you want spaces/tabs, what license your project uses, what files to include, what files to not include, and so on.

This information will be filled in from various metadata files (examples: gruntfile.js, .editorconfig, package.json, Gemfile). Each of these files will be parse

adtac / GSoC 2017:
Created July 25, 2017 07:40
GSoC 2017: Phase-2

So phase-2 of Google Summer of Code just got over and we've seen a huge number of new features being merged. Satwik now has three times as many line additions as anybody else in the history of coala-quickstart, so that should give you an idea :)

This phase is essentially the core of his work: since the basic framework was laid out last phase, the past month or so saw a number of new features using these features. For example, coala-quickstart now supports parsing useful information from meta-files like Gruntfile.js, .editorconfig, package.json, and Gemfile. With this information, we now suggest and identify relevant bears tailored just for your project. Install coala-quickstart and give it a run! Do let us know if you face any issues.

The user interface is still a little raw, but Satwik's next course of action is just that: making various improvements to the CLI. This phase will probably involve a lot more discussion (and collecting

adtac / Dockerfile
Last active February 28, 2025 02:18
#!/usr/bin/env docker run
#!/usr/bin/env -S bash -c "docker run -p 8080:8080 -it --rm \$(docker build --progress plain -f \$0 . 2>&1 | tee /dev/stderr | grep -oP 'sha256:[0-9a-f]*')"
# syntax = docker/dockerfile:1.4.0
FROM node:20
RUN npm install sqlite3
adtac /
Last active February 22, 2025 17:34
Using your Kindle as an e-ink monitor

3.5 fps, Paperwhite 3

step 1: jailbreak your Kindle is your best resource here, follow the instructions from the LanguageBreak thread

I didn't really follow the LanguageBreak instructions because I didn't care about most of the features + I was curious to do it myself, but the LanguageBreak github repo was invaluable for debugging