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pwlin / gist:8a0d01e6428b7a96e2eb
Last active February 25, 2025 03:27
Android : add cert to system store
If you have a certificate that is not
trusted by Android, when you add it, it goes in the personal cert store.
When you add a cert in this personal cert store, the system requires a
higher security level to unlock the device. But if you manage to add your
cert to the system store then you don't have this requirement. Obviously,
root is required to add a certificate to the system store, but it is quiet
manuelvicnt / AnAndroidApp.kt
Last active January 1, 2023 17:05
Hilt and AssistedInject working together in Hilt v2.28-alpha times - ViewModel version
// Assisted Injection doesn't work with @HiltViewModel or @ViewModelInject
// Read more about the issue here:
// AssistedInject and Hilt working together in v2.28-alpha times
// Example of a ViewModel using AssistedInject injected in a Fragment by Hilt
// As AssistedInject isn't part of Dagger yet, we cannot use in
// conjuction with @ViewModelInject