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ajgappmark /
Created August 30, 2023 17:26
create new user with specified credentials for limited time and add him to a desired group
sudo useradd ${USERNAME} -b /home/hackathon -m -s /bin/bash -e 2023-09-02 -c "${FULLNAME} - guest user for hackathon" && \
echo $USERNAME, ${FULLNAME} " created!"
echo "${USERNAME}:${PASSWD}" | sudo chpasswd && \
echo "password set for ${USERNAME}"
sudo usermod -a -G grphackt ${USERNAME} && \
echo "user added to shared group"
dconf reset -f /org/cinnamon/desktop/keybindings/ && \
dconf load /org/cinnamon/desktop/keybindings/ <<EOF
custom-list=['__dummy__', 'custom0']
ajgappmark /
Last active August 10, 2023 16:46
timeout 10s bluetoothctl scan on && sleep 2 \
bluetoothctl remove $NAKAMICHI_AUDIO && sleep 4 && \
bluetoothctl trust $NAKAMICHI_AUDIO; sleep 4 && \
bluetoothctl pair $NAKAMICHI_AUDIO; sleep 2 && \
bluetoothctl connect $NAKAMICHI_AUDIO && echo "Bluetooth connected"
ajgappmark / dot-vimrc
Created July 30, 2023 14:35
my vimrc
" Reload vimrc while editing - :so %
set nocompatible " be iMproved, required
filetype off " required
" set the runtime path to include Vundle and initialize
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
Note these instructions are all based on the mightyOhm articles. This is a little bit different because I wanted to get alsa sound working (instead of dsp) so that I could overlay effects
and background sound simultaneously.
What to do
install mightyohm trx by blind flashing
setup network and wireless and dhcp
setup the banner for fun
Blind flashing
ajgappmark / my_timer.c
Created February 12, 2023 18:31 — forked from itrobotics/my_timer.c
a simple timer example of Linux module
* Copyright (c) 2015 Song Yang @ ittraining
* All rights reserved.
* This program is free to use, but the ban on selling behavior.
* Modify the program must keep all the original text description.
* 保留所有權利。
* 本程式可任意使用,但是禁止販售行為。
* 修改程式時必須保留所有原有文字說明。
#= essential ubuntu/mint installations
sudo apt-get install -y autoconf build-essential g++ git vim ack-grep at tree htop tmux xclip x11-xkb-utils openjdk-8-jre openjdk-8-jdk-headless jq python3-pip libsource-highlight-common source-highlight most exuberant-ctags
sudo apt-get install -y datamash network-manager neofetch openssh-server cmake subversion feh sxiv
sudo apt-get install meld sublime-text gimp blender inkscape
sudo apt-get install mpv audacious audacity
#= git setup
$ git config --global "[email protected]"
$ git config --global "Your Name"
ajgappmark /
Created January 24, 2023 08:36 — forked from briandk/
Instal a full latex texlive on Ubuntu Xenial without any of the docs
import subprocess
get_line_by_line_texlive_dependencies =
ajgappmark / disable-windows-update.ps1
Created September 11, 2022 19:19 — forked from mikebranstein/disable-windows-update.ps1
Disables Windows Update with PowerShell
# set the Windows Update service to "disabled"
sc.exe config wuauserv start=disabled
# display the status of the service
sc.exe query wuauserv
# stop the service, in case it is running
sc.exe stop wuauserv
# display the status again, because we're paranoid
#start /home/serg/.config/QtProject/qtcreator/styles/onedark.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<style-scheme version="1.0" name="onedark">
<style name="Text" foreground="#cecece" background="#282c34"/>
<style name="Link" foreground="#409090"/>
<style name="Selection" foreground="#ffffff" background="#4e4e8f"/>
<style name="LineNumber" foreground="#5c6370" background="#2f343f"/>
<style name="SearchResult" foreground="#000000" background="#2d4c95"/>
<style name="SearchScope" foreground="#000000" background="#f8fafc"/>
<style name="Parentheses" foreground="#ffff00" background="#4e4e8f"/>