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Alejo alejandro-ser

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jelcaf / Operaciones-Git
Last active March 7, 2025 13:40
Git Tips - Mini-trucos de Git para facilitarme la tarea
# Push de la rama actual
git push origin $rama_actual
# Volver a un commit anterior, descartando los cambios
git reset --HARD $SHA1
# Ver y descargar Ramas remotas
zserghei / gist:5224922
Last active February 17, 2021 17:35
Ubuntu 14.04 post-install commands
# logout and login using Gnome Classic (no effects)
sudo apt-get install gnome-session-fallback
# show scrollbar in windows
gsettings set com.canonical.desktop.interface scrollbar-mode normal
# change font of windows titlebar
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences titlebar-font 'Ubuntu 10'
# show all applications in gnome-session-properties
cd /etc/xdg/autostart/
msurguy /
Last active November 17, 2024 16:29
List of open source projects made with Laravel

Other people's projects:

My projects (tutorials are on my blog at

MaxLaumeister /
Last active February 7, 2025 17:53
Grub Init Tune: Mario Bros. Mushroom Powerup

Grub Init Tune - Mario Bros. Mushroom Powerup

This Grub Init Tune will make your computer sound like a Super Mushroom every time you turn it on! This only works for the Grub bootloader - this generally means you need to have Linux (or other Grub-based OS) installed.

Here's the code, which goes in your /etc/default/grub file:

GRUB_INIT_TUNE="1750 523 1 392 1 523 1 659 1 784 1 1047 1 784 1 415 1 523 1 622 1 831 1 622 1 831 1 1046 1 1244 1 1661 1 1244 1 466 1 587 1 698 1 932 1 1195 1 1397 1 1865 1 1397 1"

Installation Instructions

idmontie / glitch.html
Last active June 15, 2022 12:42
Glitch Text Effect with CSS
<!doctype html>
<!-- Based on -->
<link href="" rel='stylesheet'/>
<script src=""></script>
/* Just colors and font sizes */
* {
font-family: sans-serif;

Circle Menu

A nice menu effect that when clicked will pop items around and when clicked will animate the button to circle around and then change the background color to the one selected.

A Pen by Willmer Barahona on CodePen.


Erichain / msconvert.js
Last active December 25, 2023 19:15 — forked from remino/msconvert.js
JavaScript: Convert milliseconds to object with days, hours, minutes, and seconds
function convertMS( milliseconds ) {
var day, hour, minute, seconds;
seconds = Math.floor(milliseconds / 1000);
minute = Math.floor(seconds / 60);
seconds = seconds % 60;
hour = Math.floor(minute / 60);
minute = minute % 60;
day = Math.floor(hour / 24);
hour = hour % 24;
return {
anonymous / -
Created January 28, 2017 03:26
System: Host: alejo-Lenovo-Z40-75 Kernel: 4.4.0-59-generic x86_64 (64 bit gcc: 5.4.0)
Desktop: Unity 7.4.0 (Gtk 3.18.9-1ubuntu3.1) dm: lightdm Distro: Ubuntu 16.04 xenial
Machine: System: LENOVO (portable) product: 80DW v: Lenovo Z40-75 Chassis: type: 10 v: Lenovo Z40-75
Mobo: LENOVO model: Lancer 4B3 v: 31900059WIN
Bios: LENOVO v: A4CN34WW (V 2.03) date: 12/16/2014
CPU: Quad core AMD A10-7300 Radeon R6 10 Compute Cores 4C+6G (-MCP-) cache: 8192 KB
flags: (lm nx sse sse2 sse3 sse4_1 sse4_2 sse4a ssse3 svm) bmips: 15170
clock speeds: min/max: 1100/1900 MHz 1: 1500 MHz 2: 1100 MHz 3: 1200 MHz 4: 1200 MHz
Graphics: Card-1: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD/ATI] Kaveri [Radeon R6 Graphics]
bus-ID: 00:01.0 chip-ID: 1002:130a
dxlbnl /
Last active February 25, 2025 01:56
Kaboo - Rules [the best game.]


Kaboo is played with a standard card deck. It can be played with 2 to 8 players with a single deck.

Card values

  • Ace = 1
  • 2-10 = 2-10
  • Jack, Queen, King = 10
  • Red King = -1 (both of them)
hoandang / laravel-artisan-cheatsheet
Last active January 19, 2025 10:56
Laravel artisan cheatsheet
Available commands:
clear-compiled Remove the compiled class file
down Put the application into maintenance mode
env Display the current framework environment
help Displays help for a command
inspire Display an inspiring quote
list Lists commands
migrate Run the database migrations
optimize Cache the framework bootstrap files
serve Serve the application on the PHP development server