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Alejandro Gallo alejandrogallo

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Wollw / interrupt_example.c
Created April 14, 2012 00:17
AVR Timer Interrupt Examples
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
* A global flag used to communicate between the Interrupt Service Routine
* and the main program. It has to be declared volatile or the compiler
* might optimize it out.
volatile bool update = false;
petitviolet / youtubeSearch.js
Created June 30, 2014 09:26
Youtube search from vimperator
(function() {
"search from youtube",
if (args.length === 0) {
liberator.echo('input a query!');
return false;
alejandrogallo / imenu-literate.el
Created March 5, 2022 20:52
Simple imenu literate support, kind of a hack!
;; author: Alejandro Gallo
;; license: GPLv3
(defvar imenu-literate-modes-alist
'((lisp-mode . (:expressions lisp-imenu-generic-expression))
(c++-mode . (:expressions cc-imenu-c++-generic-expression))
(c-mode . (:expressions cc-imenu-c-generic-expression))
(java-mode . (:expressions cc-imenu-java-generic-expression))
(fortran-mode . (:expressions fortran-imenu-generic-expression))))